*** DISKS 1 - 52 ***
This collection comprises the first 52 Apple II disks produced by the Apple
Users' Group of Sydney in the 1980s, with a wide assortment of Apple II
They originally came supplied on 5.25" floppies in mostly DOS 3.3 format.
An alternative under Windows is to use CiderPress to pull out the archives from the .2MG, then use the "Convert Disk Image" facility to convert them to 140K .DO (DOS 3.3), or more rarely .PO (ProDOS) image files - bootable under most Apple II emulators. If the image crashes on boot, the original disk may have used a Disk Volume Number other than 254 (the DOS 3.3 default). Try moving the files to a plain vanilla DOS image. Or convert to 140K .2MG format and set the correct volume number using 2MG Properties Editor in CiderPress. As ShrinkIt does store the volume number, unpacking to real 5.25" floppies on an Apple II machine should always work.
"Gus - The Apple IIGS emulator" for PowerPC Macs is capable of booting ShrinkIt disk images directly
Apple Users Group Sydney Apple II Disks 1 thru | ||
not to be missed →
Applecations magazine
(Apple Users' Group Sydney) - selected
news, reviews, tips, tutorials —
Aug 1986 - July 1990 [134MB PDF
Nov 1990 - May 1992 [125MB PDF
file] Apple IIGS Collection CD-ROM (downloads from AUG Sydney BBS as archived by A.Beckett) — CD image @ | Facebook discussion |
Disclaimer: I'm making these 52 disks available for historical archival/preservation purposes, but must emphasize that all remain the property of the Apple Users' Group of Sydney (still very much alive today as AMUG Sydney). I am not affiliated with that organization. In general, should any materials on this site wind up in other places I can't take responsibility for how they are used or presented. For the original context please refer back to this page.
^ 2015-10-26 (last revised 2023-10-22)
Steve Wozniak "The Woz" hits Perth during his August 2016 tour of New Zealand & Australia
In this section I intend to make available some Apple II software transferred from old floppy disks (5.25" or 3.5" physical media in my actual possession).
The transfers are generally accomplished using ADTPro on an Apple IIGS and Windows PC linked by serial cable. A Super Serial Card installed in the IIGS has its jumper block configured for "Terminal" (null modem mode), and a standard serial cable runs from this to the COM port of the PC. My other approach is to create the disk images on the IIGS using Asimov, then to drag and drop the files to a Windows PC running A2SERVER (Appleshare server), with a Mac PowerBook 3400c sitting in the middle as an Ethernet/Localtalk bridge. (NB: an ImageWriter II mini-DIN printer cable hung straight between the built-in serial ports of an Apple IIGS & Mac is all you need to network them together over Localtalk {Classic Mac OS Personal File Sharing}. For anything more elaborate see The AppleTalk Network System poster.) TP-LINK AV500 powerline adapters are used to link the PowerBook to the PC's router, which are in different rooms.
The detailed PHOTO SLIDESHOW at the bottom of this page illustrates both approaches....
8-bit Apple II Disk Images
● Taito Bubble Bobble - patched for infinite lives - DISK 1 DISK 2
● Game compilation 32 Apple II games on a 3.5" disk - compiled 1990-91 by cvxmelody - DISK (800K) (video sampler of this disk is HERE)
→ Frogger original Apple II instruction card now available HERE
● Soft documentation collection ~120 softdocs for Apple II games - compiled 1991 by cvxmelody - DISKS (800K) (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● CP/M collection 37 Apple II CP/M disks & more (ProDOS assortment etc.) - compiled 1991-92 by cvxmelody - DISKS (800K) (8 disks - ZIP archive)
→ Microsoft Quick Reference Guide For CP/M-80 (version 2.2) for Apple II SoftCard now available HERE
→ Microsoft Z80 SoftCard review from Your Computer magazine (August 1981) is HERE
● Epyx Impossible Mission II - The Apple Odessa crack - DISK 1 DISK 2
The Apple Odessa was a prolific Apple II cracking group based in Melbourne. They ran a BBS known as "The Black Board" |
→ APPLE ][ WAREZ LISTINGS → The Black Board BBS (Melbourne) ca. late 1990 & Townsville Apple BBS (Queensland, Australia) ca. 1991 [PDF scans of printouts recently rediscovered]
● Absolute Entertainment Crossbow (1988) - The Apple Odessa crack - for 128K Apple //e, //c, IIGS - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Music & game programs (Applesoft & Integer BASIC) (1981 compilation by J.Wenman) - Music Writer | Apple Organ | Solo Race (Indy 500) | Apple II Trek | Labyrinth | The Racing Game (by Bill Budge) | Piero | Add-Libs (by Apple Computer) | Rocket Pilot (by Robert J. Bishop) - first ever Apple II game! [Read interview with Bob Bishop in Juiced.GS] - DISK
● Game compilation - Seafox (1982 Broderbund) | Pro Golf I (by Jim Wells, 1979 Softape) | Dynasty (by Weyman Fong, 1978 Apple Core) - improved version of Hammurabi | Blitzkrieg (by Mark Cross, 1979 Programma) | Apple '21' Blackjack (by Bill DePew, 1978 Softape) - Run 'INTEGER' first for Integer BASIC games (unless using the original Apple ][) - DISK
● Game compilation - Pool 1.5 (1981 IDSI) | Apple Panic (by Ben Serki, 1981 Broderbund) | Apple Invader (by S.E.C., Tukumo Original Software) | Apple Bowl (1979 Apple Computer) | Raster Blaster - retains original title page (1981 BudgeCo) - DISK
●◦ Pool 1.5 screenshots ◦●
→ Composite colour
Commodore 1084S PAL monitor & Samsung LCD TV (PAL Apple IIe) | Toshiba LCD TV (NTSC Apple IIe) | Commodore 1084S PAL (Apple IIc PAL Modulator/Adapter)
Toshiba LCD TV (NTSC Laser 128EX) | AppleColor Composite 50Hz NTSC 3.56 (Apple IIe International NTSC) | Samsung LCD TV PAL Color Encoder Card (Pravetz 8M) |
Samsung LCD TV (NTSC Unitron U-2000) | AppleColor Composite NTSC (Apple IIGS) | AppleColor Composite 50Hz NTSC 3.56 (220/240V Apple IIc)
AppleColor Composite 50Hz NTSC 3.56 (Pravetz 8M) | AppleColor Composite 50Hz NTSC 3.56 (Apple II Plus - 230V Eurapple model)
NTSC Apple II — Master crystal 14.318 MHz divide by 4 →
3.58 MHz
NTSC colour burst (@ 60Hz)
3.56 MHz
NTSC colour burst (@ 50Hz) |
Remarks: In mixed graphics/text modes, the colour fringing of text is less pronounced with PAL //e and Apple PAL Color Encoder Card (Euro II/II+). For full screen graphics or text modes they all behave much the same (text is output in monochrome - but in the case of NTSC Apple II/II Plus and equivalent clones, this isn't necessarily guaranteed - e.g. see HERE). The PAL //e also has a colour switch on the motherboard (lacking on NTSC models), allowing the PAL colour signal to be turned off completely for maximum clarity of display. |
→ RGB colour
AppleColor Monitor 100 & Extended 80-Column Text/AppleColor card (Apple IIe) | Kaga/Taxan monitor & Digicard Extended 80-Column RGB card (Apple IIe)
AppleColor RGB (Apple IIGS) | Toshiba LCD TV (Laser 128EX digital RGB via Microbee CGA to HDMI Converter) | NEC MultiSync CRT monitor (a2heaven Apple IIc VGA Adapter)
ViewSonic CRT VGA monitor (Mac LC Apple IIe Card) | RCA/Thomson Blackpearl CRT TV (Apple IIc Le Chat Mauve RGB SCART adapter A2M4020F)
Remarks: None of these RGB configurations exhibits colour fringing of text in the Apple mixed graphics/text modes |
● Game compilation - Star Cruiser (by Nasir, 1980 Sirius Software) | Repton (1982 Sirius Software) | Twerps (by Dan Thompson, 1982 Sirius Software) | Moon Patrol (1984 Atarisoft) - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
Repton original Apple II sleeve, instructions & disk scans available HERE & Moon Patrol scanned original box & contents now HERE
● Game compilation - Firebird (by Nasir, 1981 Gebelli Software) | Eliminator (1981 John Anderson) | Choplifter (1982 Broderbund) - cracked by Jay of A.P.P.L.E. - DISK
→ Personal Software magazine (September 1984) — Apple II spotlight |
Reviews of Choplifter, FlashCalc, Back to Basics Accounting, Investor's Workshop, Dow Jones Home Budget, Cell Defense, Charlie Brown's ABC's, Flak, How About A Nice Game of Chess!, Objective: Kursk, etc. |
● Game compilation - Star Thief (by Jim Nitchals, 1981 Cavalier Computer) | Galaxy Travel (1980 Tukumo Original Software) | BurgerTime (1982 Mattel/Data East USA) - broken by The Freeze and the Bum | Lady Tut (1983 Progame) - Mockingboard version with cheat by Micmac & The Softman - DISK
● Word Games - Puzzle Generator (by Creative Computing) | Crackaword (by B.A. McAndrew) | Boggle Run (by B.A. McAndrew) - DISK
● Elizabeth Computer Centre Elementary Mathematics (1980-82) - Kangaroos | Star Flight | Hunt the Monsters | Dock the Boat - DISK
● Computer Solutions Zardax 5.2 (1981-82) - Word Processor & Utilities v1.14 - preconfigured for Apple //e 80 column card - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
Zardax manual → revised scan with all chapters plus original binder & 5.25" disk → now available HERE & quick reference card is HERE |
Video showing Zardax running on Apple ][+ with Videx Videoterm 80 Column Card is HERE |
Zardax II review by Your Computer (October 1985) is HERE |
→ Interface Software Catalogue 1989 — Apple II (Zardax II etc) - IBM PC - Microbee now available HERE [11MB PDF file] |
● Computer Solutions Zardax Utilities v1.20B (1984) - drivers for Apple //c, printers, RAM disks etc. - DISK
● Elizabeth Computer Centre & Gemini Software First Fleet Database: Convicts & Computers (1982) - DISK
● Blue Sky Industries/AID Systems (Sydney) Typequick III Keyboard Trainer (1982) - includes unlicensed "master" copy - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Synergistic Software Microbe: The Anatomical Adventure (1982) - Tutorial disk only > DISK (game disk available HERE)
● Encyclopaedia Britannica Underwater Odyssey: The Sentence (1983) - cracked with Passport by 4am - DISK
● C.Millsum Crossing the Blue Mountains (1983) - DISK
● A.C.T. Apple User's Group Introductory Free Disk - DISK
A.C.T. Apple Newsletter (Canberra) - compilation of Apple II articles — Aug 1988 - Dec 1992 [140MB PDF file]
Your Computer magazine (Australia) 1982-83 - Apple II ads, news, reviews, tips — Jan 1982 - Sep 1982 [7 issues] | Oct 1982 - May 1983 [7 issues]
● C.H.S. Computer Centre Sport Result Program - DISK
● Database Publications Apple User Games Disk #1 (1985) - DISK
Apple User (UK) magazine - selected news, reviews, tutorials, ads — Feb 1987 - Aug 1987 [212MB PDF file] | Jan 1988 - May 1988 [297MB PDF file]
● Database Publications Apple User Graphics Library (1985) - complete software routines from Apple User (UK) Graphics Library series (Feb 1984-Nov 1985) - DISK
● Jacaranda Wiley Gold-Dust Island (1984) - DISK
● Jacaranda Wiley Quick-Cartage Company (1984) - DISK
● Jacaranda Wiley Scavenger Hunt (1984) - DISK
● Jacaranda Wiley Sheep-Dog Trial (1984) - DISK
● Jacaranda Wiley Cunning Running (1984) - DISK
● Jacaranda Wiley Raft-Away River (1984) - DISK
● Jacaranda Wiley Dinosaur Discovery (1985) - DISK 1 DISK 2
● Jacaranda Wiley & 4Mation Bush Rescue (1987) - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● 4Mation Zoopak (1987) - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Jacaranda Software Kraken - a deep-sea quest (1989) - DISK
● Jacaranda Software Terra Australis - Voyages of trade and discovery (1989) - DISK 1 DISK 2
The Australian Apple Educational Software Directory 1987 (187 pages) |
(1986-87 Apple Computer Australia) |
See also → The Apple IIgs Software Directory (1987 Apple Computer Australia)
→ The Apple Australia Special Education Resource Directory 1988 (complete scan) [29MB PDF]
● Dark Star Systems Snapshot Two Copykit v4.8 (1983) - two distinct copies enclosed - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
Snapshot Two hardware photos → 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
● Dark Star Systems Snapshot //e Copykit v8.7 (1985) (see also v10.0) - DISK (manual available HERE)
● Dark Star Systems Snapshot //e Diagnostic Disk (1985) - DISK
Sample backups made using Snapshot //e system (bootable, no Snapshot card required):-
Karateka (gameplay commences at start) - DISK
Karateka (gameplay commences at level 2) - DISK
Snapshot IIe card → HQ photo |
● Broderbund Karateka (1984) - Backed up with Wildcard - menu-selectable: starts at middle (downstairs) or final fight scene - DISK
Wildcard advertisement (Jan 30, 1984 InfoWorld) |
● Apple Computer Intercept (1978) - DISK
● Apple Computer Apple Writer 1.1 (1979) - DISK
● Apple Computer & Paul Lutus Apple Writer ][ (1981) - with Videx 80-column support - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive) (manual available HERE)
Video of Videx Videoterm 80 Column Card official demonstration program is HERE
READ a review of Apple Writer II Version 2.0 (ProDOS based) from The Sydney Morning Herald (August 1985)
● Call-A.P.P.L.E. ApMail v1.2 (1979) - name and address filing system - type 'RUN APMAIL' to start - DISK
Call-A.P.P.L.E. 1984 Winter Product Catalog complete scan (54MB PDF)
● Muse U-Draw II Graphics Editor (1979) - hi-res programmable graphics editor - backed up with Snapshot system from original disk - DISK
● Software Arts VisiCalc v1.37 (1979) - Beautiful Boot version - DISK (VisiCalc original package photos HERE)
VisiCalc Home And Office Companion (181 pages) |
(1982 OSBORNE/McGraw-Hill) |
Presents fifty VisiCalc models for Apple II |
Apple ][ Plus brochures — 1981 Apple Computer UK
Apple in Business |
Apple II Plus brochure with VisiCalc etc. |
(1981 Apple Computer UK) |
● Micro Finance Systems VisiTrend v1.00 (1981) - Backed up with Wildcard - works on Apple ][+, //e, //c - DISK
● Programma International Apple PIE (1980) - word processor system - DISK
● Hayden Data-Graph (1980) - DOS 3.3 - DISK
● Hayden Book Company Data Manager (1980) - data base management system and mailing list by Paul Lutus - DISK
● R.Mossip Epson MX-80 Graftrax Screen Dump (1980) - DISK
→ See also Epson Apple II parallel interface user manuals: #8133 "APL C" New Intelligent Parallel (1985) & #8132 "APL B" Epson MX Interface Type 2 (1981)
Comparison of Epson #8131, #8132, #8133 interfaces — from Epson LX-800 & FX-85/FX-105 manuals
● Apple Computer Apple II Pascal 1.1 disk #1 (1980) - patched for Prometheus VERSAcard clock/calendar - DISK (VERSAcard brochure available HERE)
Apple PASCAL, FORTRAN, PILOT & DOS 3.3 originals
● Apple Computer Apple Presents Apple (1981) - "How to use the Apple keyboard in One Easy Lesson" - DISK
The Apple IIe Keyboard poster |
A3 size double-sided (ca 1985-86 Apple Computer Australia) |
● Automated Simulations Dunjonquest: Hellfire Warrior v2 (1979-80) - DISK
● Game compilation - Fender Bender (1980 California Pacific Computer) | Snack Attack (1981 Datamost) | Shuffleboard (1981 IDSI) | Outpost (1981 Sirius Software) - DISK
● Game compilation - Ribbit (1982 Piccadilly Software) - broken by The Jerk | Frogger (1981 Sega/Sierra On-Line) | Bug Attack (by James Nitchals, 1981 Cavalier Computer) - DISK
● Game compilation - Gorgon (1981 Sirius Software) | Super Galaxy Wars (Star Craft) | Golf Course (Instant Software) | Lemonade Stand (1979 Apple Computer) | Mastermind (1977 Apple Computer) | SAB's Night Crawler (Softape) | Night Driver (by Bill Budge) | Simon (1982) - Kamel Komputa Kumpanee crack - DISK
● Game compilation - Mario Bros (1983 Atarisoft) - Kilroy Wuzhere crack | Dunjonquest Morloc's Tower (1980 Automated Simulations) | Star Warrior (1981 Automated Simulations) - DISK
→ My video showing Mario Bros, Donkey Kong & Apple Invader on Laser 128EX with Epyx 500XJ joystick is HERE
● Game compilation - Fly Wars (1982 Sirius Software) | The Snapper (1982 Silicon Valley Systems) | The Fishman Go Fishing (by Joseph Kwok, 1983) | Maze | Othello (by Gary J. Shannon, 1978 Softape) - DISK
● Game compilations - Beer Run (1981 Sirius Software) | Ceiling Zero (1981 RAM Software) | Horizon V (1982 Gebelli Software) | Jawbreaker (1981 On Line Systems) | Thief (by Bob Flanagan, 1981 Datamost) | Crossfire | Pulsar II - The Razor crack (1981) | Space Raiders (1981 Paul Lutus) | Star Blazer (1981 Star Craft) | Sabotage (by Mark Allen) - DISKS (3 disks - ZIP archive)
The Evolution of Apple ][ Paddles - my video showing Beer Run, Ceiling Zero, Alien Typhoon, Autobahn, Little Brick Out, etc.
● Game compilation - Cyber Strike (1980 Sirius Software) | Foosball (1981 Sirius Software) | Choplifter (1982 Broderbund) | Pigpen (1982 TMQ Software/Datamost) - selectable difficulty level - DISK
[Choplifter & David's Midnight Magic "Double Pack Classics" original box available HERE & Choplifter Australian advertisement HERE]
● Game compilation - Space Quarks (1981 Broderbund) | Roadrace | Creepy Corridors (1982 Sierra) | The Bilestoad (1983 Datamost) - DISK
● Game compilation - Labyrinth (1982 Broderbund) - retains original title page | Shuttle Intercept (1982 Hayden Software) - DISK
● Game compilation - Space Quarks (1981 Broderbund) | Outworld (1982 Tensor Technology) | Formula I Racer (1983 Gentry Software) - The Disk Jockey crack | Crazy Climber - "courtesy of Mr. Pirate!" - DISK
● Game compilation - Outpost (1981 Sirius Software) | Eliminator (1981 John Anderson) | Crazy Climber - Alan Lee crack | Apple Panic (1981 Broderbund) - DISK
● Game compilation - Tunnel Terror (1982 Magna Soft) - uncorrupted title page | BezOff (1982 Bez) | Bellhop (1982 Hayden Book Company) - clean crack | Zargs (1983 MicroData International) - DISK
● Game compilation - Tron (by Ivan) | Pooyan (1984 Datasoft) - The Syndicate & Black Bart crack | Dogfight (1980 Bill Basham / Micro Lab) | Crazy Mazey (by Ron Meadows, 1982 Datamost) - DISK
● Game compilation - City of Sumer (1980 Crystalware) | H.E.R.O. (1984 Activision) - The Syndicate crack | Pitstop II (1984 Epyx) - The Cloak / Black Bag crack - DISK
● Compilation - One-on-One (1983 Electronic Arts) - The Australian Pirates Union crack | Robotron: 2084 (1983 Atari) | The Visible Computer: 6502 (1983 Software Masters) | Essential Data Duplicator III (1984 Utilico Microware) - Nutcracker crack - DISK
→ Essential Data Duplicator III manual now available HERE [26MB PDF file]
● SoftWare House Apple Barrel II (1981) - "The Money Barrel from CDS" - assortment of around 20 programs - financial, mathematical, etc. - DISK
● Science Education Collection (ca. early 1980's) - Rare set of 45 original disks - as published by CONDUIT, Cross Educational Software, EduTech, Entelek, J&S Software, Longman Micro Software, Microphys Programs, Pitman Software, Zenith Education Systems - DISKS (45 disks - 24MB ZIP archive)
● J&S Software Science Education Collection (ca. 1981) - Rare set of 10 original disks spanning the following topics - momentum, work and energy, circular motion, Newton's Laws, acceleration, uniform motion, chemical equations, equilibrium, bonding, locomotion, digestion, endocrine, biochemistry, excretion, nervous, animal reproduction, respiration, genetics, transport, classification - DISKS (10 disks - ZIP archive)
Apple II educational titles published by J&S Software of Port Washington, N.Y. |
● SRA Computer Drill and Instruction: Mathematics (1981) - Demonstration > DISK
● Versa Computing Anatomy I (1982) - DISK
● Hayden Software Shapes in Color (1982) - DISK (manual available HERE)
● Computer Cognition BASIC Tutorial (1982) - "BASIC for Beginners" - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive) (manual available HERE & review HERE)
→ See also Applesoft BASIC: A Teach-Yourself Introduction by B.M. Peake (1983) - complete scan [38MB PDF]
● Logo Computer Systems A.C.T. Kids Logo (1982) - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Mrs Kennedy Educational Disk No 1 Maths (1982) - DISK
● Golden Delicious Software CIA (Confidential Information Advisors) (1982) - version with original graphical menu - DISK
Apple II from US Department of Defense with wooden enclosure & protective suitcase
● Cedric Green Scribe (1982) - spatial modelling and design evaluation system
Program > DISK Demonstration > DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Southwestern Data Systems Munch-A-Bug v2.6 (1983) - machine language debugger - DISK
→ Southwestern Data Systems Catalog (February 1983) available HERE
● James Donald Pty Ltd Sandy's Text Editor Word Processor (ca. 1983) - version 1.7.7 IIe - DISK
READ a review of Sandy's Word Processor from Your Computer (November 1982)
● Turning Point Software Time is Money personal (1983) - Demonstration disk > DISK
● Batteries Included & Irata Press B/GRAPH v1.0 (1983) - graphing and statistical analysis package - DISK
→ B/GRAPH manual for Apple II now available HERE [22MB PDF file]
● Spectral Graphics Masterchart (1983) - create bar, pie, line, area charts - distributed by Stanislaus Apple Group - DISK (Australian advertisement HERE)
● Island Graphics Corp KoalaPainter (1983) - painting program for KoalaPad - DISK
● Data Transforms Fontrix 1.0 & Fontpak Volume One (1983) - extended screen font typesetter & graphics software - for Apple ][+, //e, /// - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Sensible Software & Henry A. Roberts Jr Back It Up III v3.6 (1983) - Backed up with Snapshot system - retains original title page - DISK
● The Stack - Corrupt Computing Disk Muncher versions 1.0 thru 10.0 (1983-85) - cracked by Roger - DISK
● Sirius Software Bandits (1982) - loads with tagline "They said it couldn't be done, but here it is!" - DISK
● Broderbund Serpentine (1982) - file version crack - DISK (scan of an original disk is HERE)
● Sydney Development Corporation Evolution (1982) - The Software Pirates crack - DISK (original instructions HERE)
● Muse Software The Caverns of Freitag (1982) - Joel the Great crack - DISK
● Collins Computing Alien Arcade (1982) - Backed up with Snapshot system from original disk - DISK
● The Bank Street College of Education / Broderbund Software The Bank Street Writer Tutorial (1982) - DISK
● Penguin Software Transylvania (1982) & Continental Software The Home Accountant (1982) - Demonstration versions > DISK
READ a review of The Home Accountant from Your Computer (November 1982)
● Timeworks Evelyn Wood Dynamic Reader / Sylvia Porter's Financial Planner / Swiftax (1983-84) - Demo disk > DISK
● mini'app'les Disk of the Month (1981-83 & 1986) - 17 monthly disks of the Minnesota Apple Computer Users' Group - DISKS (17 disks - ZIP archive)
Video showing how to get DOS 3.2 Plus System Master (1979) transferred and up and running on Apple II is HERE
● Micro Fun Dino Eggs (1983) - The Burglar / Midwest Pirates Guild crack - "master" copy with a first time boot message - DISK (original manual available HERE)
[see HERE for photos of Jason Scott with the Midwest Pirates' Guild and Greg Schaefer (GBBS, ProTERM author) in Minneapolis, 2004] |
1987 listing of GBBS Pro (Apple II) bulletin boards in the USA is HERE |
ProTERM notes by Greg Schaefer — "not for circulation" |
● Micro Fun The Heist (1983) - The Deadhead crack - DISK
● Synapse Software Shamus (1983) - clean crack - DISK
● Atarisoft Mario Bros (1983) - Cheung Lee Electronic Co. version - DISK
● Sir-Tech Software Police Artist (1983) - original title page version - DISK
● Bally Midway Spy Hunter (1983) - file version crack - DISK (original manual & SEGA-Bally Midway catalog available HERE)
● Stephen Harrison Trivial Challenge - based on the board game "Trivial Pursuit" - DISK
● Hayden Software Sargon III (1983) - Backed up with Snapshot system - retains original title page - works on Apple ][+, //e, //c - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive) (scan of original disks HERE)
● Datamost Super Bunny (1983) - Dr Micro and The Freeze crack - DISK
● Datamost Ardy the Aardvark (1983) - Dr DOS crack - DISK
● Datamost Mabel's Mansion (1983-84) - clean title page version - DISK
● Sierra On-Line Sammy Lightfoot (1983) - two versions: clean crack & Alan Lee crack - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Epyx Jumpman (1983) - Darth Vader crack - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Silicon Valley Systems Lancaster (1983) - Backed up with Wildcard from original disk - Mockingboard version - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Sirius Software Wavy Navy (1983) - Backed up with Snapshot system - works on Apple ][+, //e, //c - DISK
● Atari Dig Dug (1983) - Backed up with Wildcard from original disk - works on Apple ][+, unenhanced //e - DISK
→ High-resolution scan of Dig Dug original box & contents now available HERE
● Broderbund Lode Runner (1983) - distributed by Pirated Software, Inc. - DISK
● Broderbund Championship Lode Runner (1983-84) - Backed up with Wildcard - DISK
● Broderbund Championship Lode Runner (1983-84) - Conan crack - DISK
● Chrono Warrior (~1983-84) - Frizbizz & Billy Bummer crack - DISK
● Random House Peanuts Maze Marathon (1984) - cracked as per Computist issue 89 - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Random House Peanuts Picture Puzzler (1984) - DISK
● Actioncraft Speedway Classic (1984) - Keith Wong crack - DISK
● Mindscape Tonk in the Land of Buddy-Bots (1984) - cracked as per Computist issue 33 - DISK (original disk label is HERE)
Using Computers in the Primary School (110 pages) |
by Rosemary Guttormsen — covers Apple II & Macintosh |
(1987 Apple Computer Australia) |
● Boomerang Software E.T. Comes Back (1984) - DISK
● Penguin Software Arcade Boot Camp (1984) - two cracks by Cactus Inc & Penguin/Intern - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Paul Mak Zytro War - Steve Ho version - DISK
● Albert Lesiak & The Software Bandito King Tut's Revenge - cleaner title page version - DISK
● James Chan Wing Chung Cartoon Show - animated hi-res graphics slideshow - DISK
● Activision Ghostbusters (1984) - DOS 3.3 voice & music demo only - type 'RUN SOUND DEMO#1' to start (works on Apple ][+, IIGS, unenhanced //e) - DISK
→ Ghostbusters scanned original Apple II box & disk now available HERE and instructions HERE |
● Activision Pitfall II (1984) - Backed up with Snapshot system - works on Apple ][+, //e, //c - DISK
● Epyx Impossible Mission (1984) - The Beta Pirate & Two Knives Tan crack (distinct from other circulating versions - this one is distributed by 'The Wildcard') - DISK
High-resolution scan of Impossible Mission original manual & disk for Apple II now available HERE [48MB PDF]
High-resolution scan of Impossible Mission original Apple II box {USA edition} now available HERE [7MB PDF]
see also → Impossible Mission Australian edition with locally manufactured plastic clamshell case
Epyx Consumer Software Catalog — Winter 1984 |
● Earthware Computer Services Black Belt (1984) - The Tiger crack - works on Apple ][+, //e, //c - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Muse Software Beyond Castle Wolfenstein (1984) - cracked by Flying Dutchman, Jimmy & Dr Bit - DISK
● Muse Software Beyond Castle Wolfenstein (1984) - The Alliance crack - DISK
● Electronic Arts Archon II: Adept (1984-85) - Ronald Wilson crack - DISK
● Activision Sampler Disk (1985) - previews of Ghostbusters, Mindshadow, Space Shuttle, The Designer's Pencil - DISK
● Greg Hale & Ted Cohn Floppy (~1985) - The Dukes of Datastone crack (with instructions for level editor) - DISK
● Epyx Temple of Apshai Trilogy (1985) - clean crack - DISK
● Epyx Winter Games (1985) - DEFCON 4 crack - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Mindscape Forbidden Castle (1985) - clean crack - DISK
● Accolade HardBall! (1985) - Star-Fire crack - DISK
● Accolade The Dam Busters (1985) - Star-Fire & Hagar The Horrible crack - DISK (original manual & reference card available HERE)
● Thirdware Computer Products FingerPrint Plus VDAP (1985) - testing and slide-show program (FingerPrint manual available HERE) - DISK
Demo video Skyfox screen dump to Apple Dot Matrix Printer using FingerPrint Plus is HERE
● MicroSPARC & Mark Jeske Chart Manager (1985) - basic statistics and graphing program - DISK
● Al Rogers, Greg Butler & Paul Lutus FrEdWriter v3.1 (1985) - Australian edition of 'Free Education Writer' - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
CUE SoftSwap Spring 1990 Catalog (featuring FrEdWriter v4.4, FrEdBase v2.1 etc.) now available HERE
● SuccessAbility Software Counting - teaches simple number skills (Australian software) - DISK
● AUSOM Apple ][+ ROM for //e (1984) - patches Apple ][+ ROM into top 16K RAM of //e or //c for improved ][+ compatibility - DISK
● Apple Computer Applesoft Sampler (1982-84) - two versions: DOS 3.3 680-0179-A (1982) & ProDOS 680-3011-A (1984) - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Apple Computer Apple Presents Apple Logo II (1984) - for the 128K //e and //c - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Apple Computer Apple Presents Instant Pascal (1985) - mouse version - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Apple Computer Apple II System Utilities for UniDisk 3.5 (1985) - multilingual version (English, French, German, Italian) - DISK (800K) (review of UniDisk 3.5 HERE)
UniDisk 3.5" demo video is HERE
Australian pricelist UniDisk 3.5, ColorMonitor IIc etc. (Nov 1985 Applecations) & French Apple //c (ca. 1984/85) upgraded with UniDisk 3.5 ROM
See also Australian Apple Product List (1988-89)
Apple IIc ROM versions compared — March 1988 AUSOM News
Original Apple IIc could be upgraded to UniDisk 3.5 ROM via the dealer-installed Apple IIc Add-On Kit → see Packing List, Instructions & Original Box (A2M4046Z) @ TheRetroChannel
Apple //c (A2S4100X model for Australia) with 1MB Memory Expansion Card & UniDisk 3.5 drive
Overview of the "Memory Expandable" Apple IIc → see Apple IIc New Features Update (1986 Apple Computer)
The motherboard of earlier Apple IIc models could be dealer upgraded to use Apple's IIc Memory Expansion Card → see Apple IIc Memory Expansion Card Fact Sheet @
See also → Apple IIc colour system advertisement Australia - 1987 Grace Bros (New South Wales) @oldshopsoz
→ TAKE-APART PHOTOS — Apple IIc (A2S4100X) with 384K RAM & PAL Modulator
(NB: PAL Modulator not needed for 240V ColorMonitor or AppleColor Composite Monitor which pair with native 50Hz NTSC 3.56Mhz signal)
240V ColorMonitor IIc (A2M4043X) & matching monitor stand (A2M4027)
● Sensible Software Sensible Grammar (1985) - ProDOS version 1.0A - DISK (800K)
● PBI Software Jeeves (1985) - memory-resident ProDOS desk accessories - version 1.00 for enhanced Apple IIe (with mouse card) and IIc - DISK
● Sayre Super Software Crossworks (1985) - PFS to AppleWorks converter - DISK
● Ahware MousePrint (1984) - extends print capabilities of MousePaint - version for Apple DMP & Grappler+ (MouseFont demo on Side B) - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Ahware MouseFont (1985) - 12 new typefaces plus font and icon editor for MousePaint - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Dark Star Systems MousePrintz (1985) - adds new screen-editing features to MousePaint and makes it compatible with any printer - DISK
● Unison World PrintMaster Art Gallery I (1985) - 140 graphics for use with PrintMaster or The Print Shop - DISK (manual available HERE)
● Scarborough Systems MasterType's Writer (1985) - word processor with windows, colour highlighting, multiple typefaces, and on-disk tutorial - cracked as per Computist issue 84 - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
Complete scan of MasterType's Writer Reference Manual now available HERE & hi-res scan of original box & disk HERE
Apple press releases from Scarborough Systems etc. — September 1985
The Apple II Review (selections) (Fall 1985) — high-resolution scan [98MB PDF] |
Reviews of MasterType's Writer, PFS: Write, Fontrix, The Print Shop, The Newsroom, Printographer, Triple-Dump, Dazzle Draw, Blazing Paddles, Catalyst, Mouse Calc, MouseWrite, Apple Access II, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Z-RAM... & Apple's New Peripherals: UniDisk 3.5, ImageWriter II, Apple II Memory Expansion Card, Apple Personal Modem, ColorMonitor IIe/IIc |
● Human Edge Mind Over Minors (1985) - Parent's Version - "a tool to give you an increased understanding of your child" - cracked with Passport by 4am - DISKS (4 disks - ZIP archive) (read a review HERE)
“If this page were Christmas wrapping, which computer would you hope to find when you opened it up?” |
Apple IIc / IIe Christmas promotional blitz — outsized newspaper liftout |
1985 Apple Computer Australia |
(each page of liftout approx. A3 size) |
Scan of Apple IIc/IIe Christmas liftout (1985 Australia)
See also → "Apple Packages" Christmas 1984 brochure & Apple IIc official spec sheets
Apple IIc & Commodore 64 — 1984 Christmas promotion (Grace Bros department store)
● Dark Star Systems Snapshot Shuttle v9.0D (1985) - multitasking system for Apple II+ & IIe with "Snapshot IIe" card (see also v11.0) - DISK (manual available HERE & review HERE)
● Alan Tam Featured Songs - Mockingboard Music Disk #5 - Alan Tam pop songs from Hong Kong with slideshow - DISK
Video sampler of this disk is HERE
A Serious Mission on M.T.R. (1985)
Apple II game set in Hong Kong's subway system — by Lee Tak Wah & Ho Wai Fung
Regrettably my 5.25" disk copy is damaged and unplayable but at least the intro still works — DISK
● Applied Engineering DOS Utilities - version 1.0 for RamFactor card - DISK
● Applied Engineering Timemaster ][ H.O. Program Disk (1984) - original DOS 3.3 & Pascal disks - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
→ Timemaster II H.O. User Manual REV 1.1 (1984) now available HERE
● MicroSPARC UniDOS 3.3 Plus (1986) - DOS 3.3 modified to work with Apple UniDisk 3.5" and Apple 3.5" drives - DISK (800K)
● Central Point Software Copy ][ Plus 6.0 (1986) - DOS 3.3 version (possibly a customized Copy II+ 5.0 with updated parameters - all other circulating images of v6.0 I've seen are ProDOS) - DISK
Central Point Software selling Copy II Plus 5.0 in Australia
September 1985 — Your Computer
● Utilico Microware Essential Data Duplicator III (1984) Disassembled - 'Sourcerer' disassembly of EDD III to DOS 3.3 disk - DISK
● Utilico Microware Essential Data Duplicator 4 v4.1 (1986) & EDD 4 Plus v4.8 (1987) - DISK (video showing EDD 4+ Card in action is HERE)
EDD disk scans — original Impossible Mission disk versus functioning EDD 4 Plus backup |
See also EDD disk scans of Airheart, Prince of Persia, Choplifter and Skyfox |
→ Essential Data Duplicator Program Information List 4-7 now available HERE
● Caresoft Cherry Maths II (1986) - DISK
● Unicorn Software Aesop's Fables (1986) - 8-bit version - cracked with Passport by 4am - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
Original box scan for the Apple IIGS version of Aesop's Fables is HERE and complete manual is HERE
● Channelmark Corporation Grid Designer (1986) - cracked as per Computist issue 52 - DISK 1 DISK 2
● Apple Mouse Desk 2.0 (1986) - version Z1-1.0 (English) - DISK (800K) (screenshots and info available HERE & HERE)
Mouse Desk 2.0 User's Manual (English) - complete scan
→ High-resolution scan of MouseDesk 2.0 original 800K disk (front & back) now available HERE
Apple IIGS menagerie! |
[photos courtesy eBay AU & PicClick UK] |
MouseDesk 2.0 — Apple IIGS System Disk v3.1 — Apple IIGS BASIC v1.0 beta 4 etc... |
some are the actual versions supplied by AAPDA - The Australasian Apple Programmers and Developers Association (AAPDA ad is HERE) |
NB: MouseDesk 2.0 as bundled with Apple IIGS boots to ProDOS 16 (e.g. see English IIGS MouseDesk 2.0 disk @ JB Retro Collect repository† {Apple II Software > Apple_800K} or French System 1.1 disk HERE) |
→ See also Apple IIGS Packing List (United Kingdom) |
†JB Retro Collect™ → |
● On Three The Graphics Manager (1986) - for Apple IIe and above - DISK
● John Wrenholt & Big Red Computer Club Print Shop Lovers' Utility Set v2.1 (1986) - ten Print Shop related utilities - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
P.L.U.S. manual now available HERE
● Tom Phelps Print Shop Graphics Viewer (1986) - viewing utility plus bonus animal clip-art - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Graphics for The Print Shop - Apple themed (IIc, Mac Plus), Soviet flags, maritime ships, animals etc. - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Springboard Certificate Maker (1986) - Gelignite Jack crack - DISKS (8 disks - ZIP archive) (manual available HERE)
● Springboard Clip Art Collection Volume 3 (1986) - sports and recreation clip art for The Newsroom - original manual & disk scans enclosed - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Baudville Award Maker Plus (1987) - softdocs included on disk - DISK (800K)
● Baudville 816/Paint (1987) - The Apple Odessa crack - DISK
Airheart & Mario Bros COLOUR screen dumps from 816/Paint to Apple Scribe Printer — watch my demo video HERE
● Ashton Scholastic Graphics Bank (1987) - library with over 200 pictures of Australian history and wildlife for 64K Apple II+ and above - now includes program disk with original title page - DISKS (9 disks - ZIP archive)
● Roger Wagner Publishing MouseWrite (1987) - version 2.6.8b for Apple IIc, IIGS, enhanced IIe - DISK (800K)
● Kyocera Unison PrintMaster Plus (1987) - Gelignite Jack crack - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Dark Star Systems Snapshot Printerrupt v11.0 (1987) - printer screen dump utility for the "Snapshot IIe" card - DISK (manual available HERE)
● Pinpoint Publishing Pinpoint Document Checker v1.0 (1986) - standalone spell checker for AppleWorks, Apple Writer and text files - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Pinpoint Publishing Pinpoint Spelling Checker v2.0.1 (1986) - these are regular DSK images (ProDOS) - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Pinpoint Publishing Pinpoint Desktop Accessories (1987) - version 2.0.2 for Apple IIc, enhanced IIe and revised for IIGS - these are regular DSK images, not the nibble images found elsewhere - DISK 1 DISK 2
● Diversi-Copy 3.2 (1986 DSR) | Diversi-Cache 1.0 (1987 DSR) | Diversi demo | Assorted BASIC programs (in German) - DISK (800K)
● Rainbird Starglider (1986) - KCAT crack - DISK
● Epyx Street Sports Baseball (1987) - clean crack - for 128K Apple //e, //c, IIGS - DISK
● Epyx California Games (1987) - kracked by Trev - for 128K Apple //e, //c, IIGS - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
California Games original Apple II box & disk scans now available HERE
● Broderbund Wings of Fury (1987) - 3.5" disk version - for 128K Apple //e, //c, IIGS - DISK (800K)
● Datasoft Black Magic (1987) - MindReader crack (distinct from other circulating versions - this one is distributed by 'STRATA-CRACKERS') - DISK (Black Magic @8MHz video demo HERE)
● Scrabble - "from Maynard & Julyn Computer Library" - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Learningways / Collamore Dinosaur Construction Kit - Tyrannosaurus rex (1987) - 'Explore-A-Science' series - for 128K Apple //e, //c, IIGS - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Learningways / Collamore The Quasar Kids (1987) - 'Explore-a-Story' series - for 128K Apple //e, //c, IIGS - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Learningways / Collamore The Bald-Headed Chicken (1987) - 'Explore-a-Story' series - for 128K Apple //e, //c, IIGS - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Learningways / Collamore Just Around The Block (1987) - 'Explore-a-Story' series - for 128K Apple //e, //c, IIGS - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Learningways / Collamore Not Too Messy, Not Too Neat (1988) - 'Explore-a-Story' series - for 128K Apple //e, //c, IIGS - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Learningways / Collamore The Best Bubble-Blower (1988) - 'Explore-a-Story' series - for 128K Apple //e, //c, IIGS - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● United Software Industries ASCII Express "The Professional" (1984-87) - v4.20 (DOS 3.3) & v4.31P (ProDOS) pristine original disks - for Apple ][, ][+, //e, //c, IIGS - DISKS (4 disks - ZIP archive)
● ProTech Software / Checkmate Technology ProTERM v2.1 (1987-88) - original disk - for 128K Apple //e, //c, IIGS - DISK
See also ProTERM 3.0 original box HERE
● Applied Engineering DataLink Communications Software v2.3 (1988-89) - original disks - for 64K Apple ][+ & 128K //e, IIGS with DataLink 1200/2400 modem - DISKS (3 disks - ZIP archive)
● Interplay Productions Neuromancer (1988) - The Apple Odessa crack - DISK (800K)
● Data East RoboCop (1988) - The Apple Odessa crack - for 128K Apple //e, //c, IIGS - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Logix Innovations Disk Disintegrater Deluxe v4.2 (1988) - imported by The Apple Odessa - DISK
● Capstone Trump Castle (1988) - cracked by Hans - for enhanced Apple //e and above - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● ZBasic v4.2 (64K & 128K ProDOS) & v3.2 (128K DOS 3.3) (1985-88 Zedcor) | The Beagle Compiler v1.0 (1986 Beagle Bros) - compiled 1990-91 by cvxmelody - DISK (800K)
● Timeworks Design Ideas (1988) - DISK (800K)
→ Design Ideas manual now available HERE
● Berkeley Softworks geoPublish v2.1 (1988) - DISKS (800K) (2 disks - ZIP archive)
→ 'LEARNING GEOPUBLISH' chapter from geoPublish manual now available HERE [28MB PDF file]
→ geoPublish Utilities manual is HERE [39MB PDF file]
→ geoPublish Clip Art Reference is HERE [7MB PDF file]
● Berkeley Softworks GEOS (1988) - Graphic Environment Operating System with geoPaint & geoWrite - Dealer Demo disk > DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● StyleWare MultiScribe 2.0 (1987) - word processor similar to MacWrite - complete with Fontpaks 1-5 - for 128K Apple IIe/IIc - DISK (800K)
→ MultiScribe Picture Manager User's Manual (1987) now available HERE & Picture Manager original disk scan is HERE
● Bank Street College of Education Wordbench - official 3.5" disk version (1988) - DISK 1 DISK 2 (800K)
● Techware Tutor-Tech v2.3 (1988) - Teacher, Grader, Student systems | Merlin-Pro v2.34 (by Glen Bredon) - DISK (800K)
Video demonstration of Tutor-Tech hypermedia system with TouchWindow touchscreen is HERE
→ Tutor-Tech brochure (1990) for Apple IIe, IIc & IIGS now available HERE
→ see also Tutor-Tech v2.4 original box & contents
● Big Red Computer Club Labels, Labels, Labels (1988) - version 1.6 - DISK
● My Software Company MyLabelMaker (1988) - version 1.1 - DISK
● Scholastic Slide Shop (1988) - version 1.2 for 128K Apple - cracked as per Computist issue 77 - DISK (800K)
● Prometheus Products ProCom-A (1988) - communications and word processing for Apple ][+, //e, //c, IIGS - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Claris AppleWorks 2.0 (1988) - version sold by Claris from 1988 (as distinct from the original 1986 Apple release) - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive) [cosmetic name change or more? - see Apple-Bug (August 1988)]
● Techware Tutor-Tech v2.6 (1989) - Demonstration disk > DISK (brochure available HERE)
● Beagle Bros BeagleWrite v3.2 (1989) - word processor similar to MacWrite - originally known as MultiScribe - for 128K Apple IIe/IIc - DISK (800K)
● Applied Engineering AW 2 Expander v3.2 (1989) - AE RAM card diagnostics & patcher for AppleWorks 2.x (also enables AW 1.2—2.1 to run on ][+) - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Teachers' Idea & Information Exchange StoryWorks v1.0 (1989) - use AppleWorks to create stacks with menus, hypertext and sound effects - DISK
→ StoryWorks manual now available HERE
● Copiers compilation Wizard Duplicator (cracked 1989 by Chuckles) - E.D.D. III | Nibbles Away II-C3 | Copy II+ 6.0 Bitcopy | Super Bitcopy | Quick Disk Copy | E.D.D. 2.1 | Back-It-Up III & II | Echo 1.0 | Disk Muncher 5.0 | Crazy Copy - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
→ Essential Data Duplicator III manual now available HERE [26MB PDF file]
→ Back It Up III manual is HERE [30MB PDF file]
→ The Original Locksmith Users Manual Version 5.0 is HERE [20MB PDF file]
→ Locksmith Newsletter Vol 1 No 1 Spring 1984 is HERE [34MB PDF file]
→ Nibble News Volume 2 Issue 6 July 1983 (Nibbles Away ][) is HERE [12MB PDF file]
→ Nibble News Volume 3 Issue 6 1984 (Nibbles Away ][) is HERE [10MB PDF file]
● Copy II Plus 9.0 & 9.1 (1989-90 Central Point Software) | GS Font Editor v1.2 (1989 Beagle Bros) - bootable compilation - DISK (800K)
→ Copy II Plus 9.0 original box & disks — high-resolution scan now available HERE
Copy II Plus Version 8 manual for Apple II (1988)
● Stone Edge Technologies DB Master Version Five (1990) - shareware version of powerful data base management program - DISKS (4 disks - ZIP archive)
● Beagle Bros Outliner v1.1 for AppleWorks 3.0 (1990) - boots to AW 3.0 Patcher v1.5, quit to BASIC.SYSTEM for Outliner installer - DISK (800K)
● Q-Labs SuperPatch 6.1 (1990) - customizing utility for AppleWorks 2.x and 3.0 - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive)
● Q Labs RepairWorks v3.2A (1990) - DISKS (2 disks - ZIP archive) (manual now available HERE)
● Scholastic HyperScreen 1.0 & 2.0 (1990) - "Hypermedia power" for Apple IIe (128K), IIc, IIc Plus, IIGS - DISKS (800K) (2 disks - ZIP archive)
→ HyperScreen manual with version 2.0 addendum now available HERE [99MB PDF file]
→ The Scholastic Guide to Classroom Multimedia (Apple II — 1989) is HERE [17MB PDF file]
● Schoolware The Riddle of the Trumpalar (1990) - by NSW Department of School Education - DISKS (4 disks - ZIP archive)
● Nite Owl WRAITH 'The Devil's Demise' (1990) - for Apple //e, //c, IIGS - DISK (800K)
● Broderbund The New Print Shop (1990) - features automated hard disk installer - DISKS (7 disks - ZIP archive)
→ The New Print Shop Reference Manual & original box scans now available HERE |
→ The Official New Print Shop Handbook — 300 page complete scan — is available HERE |
● Hi Tech Expressions Beetlejuice Print Kit (1990) - DISK 1 DISK 2
● Hi Tech Expressions Jetsons and Flintstones Print Kit (1990) - DISK 1 DISK 2 (reference card available HERE)
● Timeworks Publish It! 3 (1990) - DISKS (800K) (2 disks - ZIP archive)
My video showing Publish It! 3 & The New Print Shop with Epson LQ-500 on Laser 128EX is HERE
● Timeworks Publish It! 4 (1991) - DISK (800K)
● Wings for learning Field Trip to the Rainforest (1991) - DISKS (3 disks - ZIP archive)
● Q Labs Talk is Cheap 3.31 (1991) - powerful telecommunications software - for enhanced //e and above - DISK (800K) (original manual available HERE)
● Applied Engineering PC Transporter System Disk v2.0.5 (1991) - BIOS, Drivers, MSDOSVOL & Utilities - original disk transfer - DISK (800K)
PC Transporter Software 2.0.5 — advertised in final issue of inCider/A+ (July 1993)
READ a review of PC Transporter by Your Computer (November 1988)
PC Transporter Installation Video — high quality original VHS transfer now available HERE
PC Transporter on Apple IIGS video demonstration — Alley Cat, SimCity, MS Word 5.0, PC Paint 3.1 — watch it HERE
PC Transporter on Apple IIGS video demonstration — success with Microsoft Windows 3.0 — watch it HERE
{PC Transporter MSDOSVOL with preinstalled Windows 3.0 is HERE}
→ See also: PC Transporter benchmarks — Landmark CPU Speed Test etc
● Applied Engineering AW 3 Expander v1.3.1 (1991) - AE RAM card diagnostics & patcher for AppleWorks 3.0 - original disk transfer - DISK (800K)
● Satchel Software Gallipoli (1991) - AppleWorks database of Australian service personnel at Gallipoli (World War I) - DISKS (3 disks - ZIP archive)
● Chan Wilson A2FX v0.8 Beta (1991) - "Apple II File Exchange" - transfers files from Mac HFS disks to ProDOS - for enhanced //e and above - DISK
● Douglas E. Mitton UniDisk 3.5" driver (1991) - ProDOS driver to permit use of UniDisk 3.5" on the original Apple IIc (without UniDisk ROM) - from May 1991 A2-Central On Disk - DISK
In-depth video demonstration of Apple IIc (original ROM version) booting off external Laser 5.25" disk drive is HERE
→ The DOStalk Scrapbook (1985 TAB Books) — complete scan |
By Tom Weishaar & Bert Kersey |
(founders of Open-Apple/A2-Central & Beagle Bros) |
→ A2-Central & Resource Central Catalogs (June 1991 thru April 1993) [191MB PDF]
→ Resource Central Catalog (Summer 1991) [149MB PDF]
→ Resource Central Catalog (Spring 1994)
Nibble Magazine
Mouse Clock (1991) -
ProDOS clock driver that keeps accurate time using mouse interrupts
for Apple //c, IIGS or
mouse equipped IIe
→ MousePaint for Apple IIe & IIc original floppy disk — high-resolution scan — now available HERE
→ AppleMouse IIe Packing List plus Australian & Global Warranties — high-resolution scan — now available HERE
● Claris AppleWorks 3.0 startup disk (1989/1991) - patched with Mouse Clock (ProDOS clock driver) - DISK
→ Personal Software magazine (August 1984) — complete scan |
Reviews of AppleMouse II & MousePaint, PFS Family, Multiplan, Music Construction Set, Bank Street Writer, Beyond Castle Wolfenstein... |
● Claris et al. AppleWorks 3.0 & 3.2 DEUTSCH (1989-92) - AW 3.0 & TimeOut UltraMacros adapted to German by Dr H. Balster, D. Lurot, R. Rötering - DISKS (800K) (3 disks - ZIP archive) [for more on German AppleWorks see AppleWorks Forum (October 1990)]
● Quality Computers AppleWorks 4 (1993) - version 4.01 pristine original disks - DISKS (800K) (2 disks - ZIP archive)
AppleWorks 4.0 — scan of original box & disks is HERE
● Martin Erlebacher / Kitchen Sink Software OmniPrint v1.1 (1993) - ImageWriter II supercharger for AppleWorks 3.0 & 4.x - original disk transfers - DISKS (4 disks - ZIP archive)
● The Phasor music software v1.1.0 (1986 Applied Engineering) | Visualizer //e v1.2 (1987 PBI Software) | RepairWorks v3.3 (1991 Q Labs) - compiled 1991 by cvxmelody - DISK (800K)
Phasor demonstration — Test Lab II: 12 channels Chip Tunes (2016 French Touch) / Ultima V / AE Phasor software
My Apple //e jukebox with Phasor v1.0 from ReActiveMicro |
● Kitchen Sink Software AccuDraw v1.1 (1992) - powerful Computer Aided Design (CAD) package - Demo disk > DISK (800K)
Robocom Robographic CAD system for Apple II
Your Computer (AU) — March 1984 & October 1983
Apple IIGS Disk Images
● VIP Technologies VIP Professional GS (1986) - version 1A International - DISK (800K)
● Version Soft GS/Paint (1986) - version 1.0 English - DISK (800K)
Hi-res scan of Questor Product Catalogue for Apple IIGS, IIc & IIe (1987) with GS/Paint, SuperSonic Stereo Card etc now available HERE [35MB PDF]
→ See also: GS/Paint — ITALIAN version original box & disk
● Electronic Arts Music Construction Set GS (1986) - Dealer demo disk (works fine on real GS but music may be garbled in emulators) - DISK (800K)
Music Construction Set GS demo — stereo recording of first two songs only
ROM 01 Apple IIGS with AE Sonic Blaster recorded directly to line-in of Edirol R-09HR
→ FLAC audio download [19MB ZIP archive] — best quality version
See also VIDEO: BOSE powered stereo speakers on Apple IIgs - Music Construction Set GS demo etc
● Electronic Arts Deluxe Paint II v2.0 (1987) - with Startpic - DISK (800K)
● Apple Computer Apple Access II v1.2 (1986) - original disk for Apple IIGS - DISK (800K) (scan of box & contents HERE)
Official Apple II Software List from Apple Computer (Feb 1987)
See also hi-res scans "The most powerful Apple II" - Apple IIGS 6-page brochure (May 1988 Apple Computer Australia)
● Apple Computer ProDOS 16 Exerciser v1.0 (1987) & GS/OS Exerciser v6.0d8 (1991) - DISK (800K)
● COMPUTE!'s Apple IIGS Machine Language for Beginners (1987) - disk included with the book (programs run from Finder) - DISK (800K)
→ See also: COMPUTE!'s Guide to Sound & Graphics on the Apple IIGS by William B. Sanders (1987) - complete scan [86MB PDF]
The Elementary Apple IIGS by William B. Sanders (1986 COMPUTE! Books) - complete scan [58MB PDF]
Apple IIGS X-Basic Handbuch (1987) - complete scan {GERMAN manual} [31MB PDF]
● Activision Hacker II: The Doomsday Papers (1986-87) - First Class crack - DISK (800K)
● Activision Shanghai (1987) - "Stephen W" crack - DISK (800K)
Shanghai for Apple IIGS original box & disk scans now available HERE
● Artworx Strip Poker II (1987) - French United Crackers Klan crack - DISK (800K)
● MicroProse Silent Service (1987) - DikRik crack | Airship Software Tonight's Sky GS V3.0 (1989) - DISK (800K)
● Activision GBA Championship Basketball: Two-on-Two (1987) - Surfer Bill crack - DISK (800K)
● Mindscape Superstar Ice Hockey (1987) - Moonglum crack - DISK (800K)
● Apple Computer The Apple IIGS Demonstration Sampler v1.2 (1987) - DISKS (800K) (4 disks - ZIP archive)
Apple-Bug (May 1988) - the newsletter of Apple-Q Brisbane - describes the programs featured in this set — see J. Scott's scan HERE
● Apple Computer Apple IIgs Diagnostic v2.1 (1988) - DISK (140K)
● Sonus Personal Musician (1987) - MIDI recording system (requires Sonus or Passport Designs MIDI card in slot 2) - DISK (800K) (manual available HERE)
A+ Magazine (June 1988) did a full roundup of Apple II MIDI hardware & software products — a complete scan by J. Barr-Hyde is HERE {} |
Apple MIDI Interface Owner's Guide is HERE |
● Diversified Software Research Diversi-Tune (1988) - version 1.0 (to hear audio through internal GS speaker press 'ESC' then disable 'Stereo Card' in Configuration Menu) - DISK (800K)
Diversi-Tune 1990 Catalog - Songs Disks etc for Apple IIgs — scan available HERE
Diversi-Tune — “Turkey in the Straw” (stereo)
ROM 01 Apple IIGS with AE Sonic Blaster recorded directly to line-in of Edirol R-09HR
● Pyware Music Writer (1988) - version 1.4.2 Special Edition (6 staves) - DISK (800K)
● John Wrenholt Print Shop Lovers' Utility Set IIGS v1.02 (1988) (see also v3.00) - also on the disk: As The Link Turns I: Operation Bug | As The Link Turns II: Return of Woz | GSDaleks | Applesoft BASIC CDA v1.1 | Cut Paste CDA | Marvin the Paranoid CDA | Password CDA | Print Text Screen CDA v2.0 | Quickport CDA - DISK (800K)
Print Shop Lovers' Utility Set IIGS manual now available HERE
● Version Soft Movie Studio v1.0 Beta 1 FRENCH (1988) - by Luc Serard - DISK (800K)
● Mister Z Synchro Cyclo Demo (1988) - also on the disk: GS Alliance's Border Scroll routine (by Mr Z) | Bouncing Ball Paintworks animation | Piratin' Software 1.0 Finder Extension (by Bryan Pietrzak, 1992) | 'Garage 4' X-rated animation (by Rocco X) | Formulate v1.0 (1991 Seven Hills Software - SHK disk archive) | The Manager v1.0 (1992 Seven Hills Software - SHK disk archive) - most downloaded from Talisman BBS - DISK (800K)
● Roger Wagner Publishing SoftSwitch (1988) - version 8.8 - DISK (800K) (scan of an original disk is HERE)
New improved scan of Roger Wagner 1989 Product Catalog now available HERE
● So What Software Iconix GS (1988) - Demo disk > DISK (800K) (program disk already available HERE)
● Arcadia AAARGH! (1988) - Club 96 crack with uncorrupted title - DISK (800K)
● Taito Arkanoid (1988) - Club 96 crack - DISK (800K)
● Accolade Bubble Ghost (1988) - Piratefest '88 crack - DISK (800K)
● California Dreams Vegas Gambler (1988) - F-x crack - DISK (800K)
● California Dreams Vegas Craps (1988) - USAlliance / Hitch Hiker & Appolusionist crack - DISK (800K)
● Britannica Software Jigsaw! - The Ultimate Electronic Puzzle (1988) - version 1.0 - 'brought to you by Crisis' - DISKS (800K) (2 disks - ZIP archive)
→ High-resolution scan of Britannica Software 1988 Catalog for Apple II, IBM & C64 now available HERE
● Strategic Studies Group Reach for the Stars - The Conquest of the Galaxy (1988) - First Class crack - DISK (800K)
● Spectrum HoloByte Tetris (1988) - genuine Apple IIGS / IIc+ dual version - DISK (800K) (manual available HERE)
● Broderbund Prince of Persia (1989) - French United Crackers Klan crack (Apple IIGS super hi-res crack screen but this is an 8-bit game) - DISK (800K)
Prince of Persia original Apple II box scan now available HERE
● Taito Arkanoid II (1989) - Bullwinkle Moose crack - DISK (800K)
● The Software Toolworks Life & Death (1989) - The Necromancer crack (presented by Factus) - DISK (800K)
Life & Death original Apple IIGS box & disks scan now available HERE
● Pangea Software Quadronome (1989) - as distributed by AUSOM & Computer Concepts - DISK (800K)
AUSOM News back issues dating back to 1980 are available to AUSOM members — see HERE
● Interplay Dragon Wars (1989-90) - Club 96 crack (runs from Finder) - DISK (800K)
● LYNX Computer Products Supergraphix 256 (1989) - adds 36 new Super Hi-res graphics and 6 music commands to Applesoft - DISK (800K)
● Gerhard Kress FontEdit 2.0.1 GERMAN (1988) - DISK (800K)
● Wilfried Ricken / [DirectPage] FontEdit GS v1.3 GERMAN (1989) - DISK (800K)
● Free Tools Association Nucleus (1989) - music of this legendary demo as played back on (i) Apple IIGS with Sonic Blaster and (ii) ActiveGS emulator - now includes complete soundtrack - FLAC audio [64MB ZIP archive]
Mac PowerBook 3400c emulating Apple IIGS - Rastan, California Demo, Nucleus Demo, Diversi-Tune
GS+ Magazine review of Rastan
● Pad & 'El Mathos Noise Blaster v2.13 (1989) - music software used in Nucleus and Photonix (translated from French to English by Factus) - DISK (800K)
GS+ Magazine advertisement for Photonix II, Bouncing Bluster II, Space Shark
● Free Tools Association Modulae (1990) - soundtrack of this demo recorded directly to line-in of Edirol R-09HR
FTA Modulae soundtrack from ROM 01 Apple IIGS headphone jack (mono)
FTA Modulae soundtrack from ROM 01 Apple IIGS with AE Sonic Blaster (stereo)
→ FLAC audio download [83MB ZIP archive] — best quality versions
● Beagle Bros Platinum Paint (1990) - version 1.0.1 (runs from Finder) - DISK (800K)
II Alive advertisement for Platinum Paint 2.0
● Seven Hills Software GraphicWriter III (1990) - version 1.0 (includes Fonts Disk) (see also v2.0 & v2.1) - DISKS (800K) (4 disks - ZIP archive)
● Vitesse Salvation: Guardian v1.03 (1990) - disk backup & restore system - DISK (800K)
● Vitesse Quickie Program Disk v2.02 (1990) - for hand held scanner - DISK (800K)
● French United Crackers Klan Pictures 3200 Vol. 1 (1990) - 3200 colour graphics slideshow (converted from Amiga & IBM) - DISK (800K)
● Coast Show (1991) - animated roller coaster ride | Apple IIGS benchmark utility (1990) - estimates your CPU speed - DISK (800K)
● Big Red Computer Club & The Public Domain Exchange Desk Accessories & 3200 Colour Pictures (1989-1991) - DISKS (800K) (7 disks - ZIP archive)
→ Big Red Computer Club Apple IIGS Catalog (1990) now available HERE
● Game compilations - Antetris (1990 Peter Jensen) | Baracade (1990 N.J.M.) | Bartender (1989 James Winter) | Blackjack Tutor v2.0 (1991 Dave Tribby) | Dr Mario 2.0.3 (1991 Blue Adept/USAlliance) | Euchre v2.3 (1990 Bill Hamshire) | Fourplay (1990 P.Brinkley) | Fun Columns v1.1 (1991 FTA / O.Goguel & O.Bailly Maitre) | GSDaleks (1989 Ian House) | MatheMusic (1990 P.Brinkley) | NumBlox/GS v1.0 (1990 Johnson Earls) | Puzzle Bucket v1.31 (1991 Oz Data / Richard Bennett) | Qburt (1990) | Rogue (1990 | Tetrotrix 1.1 (1990 Pierre Abel) | The Great Cave Adventure Game (1989 Doni G. Grande) | Wheel of Fortune (1990 Mark Jenison) - DISKS (800K) (2 disks - ZIP archive)
Assorted CDAs (Classic Desk Accessories) by Australian Apple IIGS developer Richard Bennett
● Senseless Violence 1: Survival of the Fetus (1989 Pangea Software / Brian Greenstone & Dave Triplett) | Minefield IIgs v1.5 (1991 Aaron Taurog) - DISK (800K)
● David Hallwas Galactic Conquest (1991) - DISK (800K)
● One-Arm Battle v1.0 (by Ken Franklin, 1990) | Solitaire v2.0 (by Bill Tudor, 1992) | Puzzler v1.5 (by Phil Doto / Softdisk Inc., 1989) - DISK (800K)
● Desktop Utilities 3.0 (by Robert Mueller & Tony Morton, 1991) (version 4.0 beta available HERE) | Cribbage GS (by Jim Sepanik, ca. 1991) | Dr Mario (by Blue Adept/USAlliance, 1991) - programs run or install from Finder - DISK (800K)
● LabelMaker v0.5 (1991 Tom Tooly Software Berlin / Theo Schneider) | Graphic Disk Labeler v2.0b (1990 Triad Venture / Mike Nuzzi & Marty Steinberg) - DISK (800K)
● CIRTECH plusRAM GS v2.0.7 (1987-90) - original disk - DISK (800K)
● Sequential Systems RAM GS Diagnostic Test Diskette rev 1.4 (1991) - DISK (800K)
● Digital Youth Alliance Exhibit A (1991) - 3200 colour graphics slideshow demo - DISK (800K)
● David Chrislip & Kenrick Mock George Bush Demo (1991) - parody of President George Bush (runs from Finder) - DISK (800K)
● Joe Kohn & Shareware Solutions Way Cool GS (1991) - companion to January 1992 inCider/A+ article on how to customize the Apple IIGS (includes Solitaire, PacMan, Beyond, ErrorCodes, Quit-To, InitMaster, Icon Ed, Start Logo, Custom GSOS, Showpic etc.) - DISK (800K)
● Office aids etc. - 1991 compilation - Address Manager v2.0e | Cassette Labeler | Graph Paper Maker | GSXEdit v1.0 | Mouse Label v1.1 | Nexus | NoteBook I | OnTime | Scheduler | Speed Read | Texter v1.1 | The Tape Insert Filer/Printer - DISK (800K)
● WestCode Software Pointless 2.0.1 (1992) - DISK (800K)
Scan of Pointless Apple IIGS box & disk now available HERE & TypeWest User Manual (40 fonts for Pointless) is HERE
AppleWorks GS printing at 360 DPI with Pointless TrueType fonts and Harmonie Epson LQ driver |
→ Harmonie v2.11b - DISK (1997 Shareware Solutions II) — final release of high performance GS/OS printer drivers |
Adds 600x300 DPI support for HP DeskJet/DeskWriter plus new drivers for Apple StyleWriter (M8000), DeskJet/DeskWriter 520 & 560C etc. (see details HERE) |
Bevy of print options available with Harmonie's StyleWriter driver |
Landscape mode - lacking in stock System 6 driver - and more... |
Harmonie v2.11b Installation and User's Guide now available HERE
● MOD files collection - compiled 1992-93 by cvxmelody and others - DISKS (800K) (5 disks - ZIP archive)
● MOD music players etc. - NoiseTracker v1.0 (1991-92 FTA) | soniqTracker v0.6.3 (by Tim Meekins, 1993) | SoundSmith v1.01 (by Huibert Aalbers, 1990) | MODZap v0.81 (by Ian Schmidt, 1992) | ShellPlay v0.5 (by Brian C. Bening, ca. 1993) - disk boots to NoiseTracker - DISK (800K)
● One World Software Wizards Noise Tracker GS v1.30 (1993) - DISK (800K)
NoiseTracker on Apple IIGS performs Amiga MOD Bomb of Luck!
And for comparison — Amiga 2000 with DeliTracker V1.30 plays Bomb of Luck! (direct stereo recording to Edirol R-09HR)
→ Amiga 2000 FLAC audio download [29MB]
● Freeware & shareware - compiled 1992-93 by cvxmelody - AniShow | Antetris | ColorTerm v3.5 | Cosmocade v1.1 | Cyber War! | GenericTerm v3.1 | GIF 3200 v0.20 | GIFview | GS-ShrinkIt v1.1 | MegaTERM v1.1 | MultiView v1.0 | PMPUnzip v1.02 | QWK-GS v1.06 | ResLin d0.33 (see also v0.48) | TransProg Start v1.01 - DISKS (800K) (4 disks - ZIP archive)
● DuelTris v1.00 (1992-93 DreamWorld Software) | Catacombs GS (1991 Softdisk Inc. / by John Carmack & Jason B.) - DISK (800K)
● Kenrick Mock / Sound Barrier Systems Pente (1993) - a board game of strategy and skill - DISK (800K)
● Shane Richards Spy Hunter GS (1993) - version with music - DISK (800K)
→ Check out CHEAT MODE for Spy Hunter GS
● The Lower Planes Demo (by Prince Slime, 1993) | Instant Access v1.0 (by Ian Brumby, 1993) - disk boots to demo (looks best on real GS), Instant Access runs from Finder (see also v3.0) - DISK (800K)
Log in to The Lower Planes BBS in Melbourne, Australia (resurrected on Telnet as of Sep 2018!)
● Ewen Wannop & Seven Hills Software Spectrum 1.0 (1993) - telecommunications program (runs from Finder) (see also v2.5.4) - DISK (800K)
Spectrum 2.0 Update v1.0 (1995) - DISK (800K)
● ECON Technologies Universe Master v1.02 (1993) - "The Premier File Management System for the Apple IIGS" - DISK (800K)
● Quality Computers Six Pack IIGS & Bonus Pack #2 (1993) - set of System 6.0 enhancements - DISKS (800K) (4 disks - ZIP archive)
→ See also NEW EDITION Six Pack manual from Call-A.P.P.L.E. (2019)
Apple IIGS — A Mac Of Another Color? |
Featured cover story |
MacUser (December 1986) |
High-resolution scan of Apple IIGS cover story - MacUser (Dec 1986)
^ 2024-08-14 (last revised)
Apple Computer 10th Anniversary Timeline
Apple Special Delivery Software Fall 1980 Catalog (Apple II)
High quality scan of "Apple Special Delivery Software - Fall 1980"
Apple Computer ad (Dec 1980 BYTE)
See also my scan of book Shake Hands With The Apple II Plus (1982 Pitman Publishing Australia) - 120-page PDF
Apple Computer Confidential Price Lists for Dealer/Educator/Government
Apple IIe / IIc / IIc Plus / IIGS (1984-89 Apple Computer)
Apple //e and //c Products Confidential Dealer Price List - November 15, 1984 - high-resolution scan
Apple Education & Government Confidential Price List - March 2, 1987 - high-resolution scan
Apple Educator Advantage Confidential Price List - October 15, 1989
"Ask the Experts" 8 page Apple IIc / IIe / IIGS brochure (1986 USA)
High quality scans of "Ask the Experts" Apple II brochure
"The Apple IIGS - The Inside Story" in-store promotional poster (1986)
Depicted is a 1986 prototype Apple IIGS - similar units were bestowed on developers and journalists prior to the commercial launch e.g. see "Golden No 29" magazine HERE |
Genuine Apple IIGS promotional watch (1986)
More photos HERE
→ Apple IIGS promotional watch - 1200 dpi ultra high-resolution scans (front & back) now available HERE [7MB ZIP archive of JPG files]
The Apple Collection Catalogue Australia (1987) |
Apple II, IIGS & Macintosh — official merchandise, gifts and apparel |
High quality scan of "The Apple Collection Catalogue Australia (1987)"
Hi-res scan of Apple IIGS music logo from official souvenir T-Shirt (1989) |
See HERE & HERE for details of the 1989 Apple II Developers Conference (Sydney)
Apple Card Application Brochure (1986 Apple Computer Australia / ANZ Bank) |
Featuring Apple IIe, IIc, IIGS & Macintosh Plus |
High quality scan of Apple Credit Card Brochure (1986)
«L'Apple II. Un beau passé. Un bel avenir. Un beau présent.» 12 page Apple IIc / IIe brochure (1985 Apple Canada)
Source: Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec |
Apple IIGS System Software 5.0 (1989) — French version |
→ Apple IIGS System Software 5.0 — scan of original box, disks & packing list is HERE
→ AppleTalk Network User's Guide for the Apple IIGS (System 5.0 bundled manual) — high quality scan is HERE
→ LocalTalk Cable System Owner's Guide (1987 Apple Computer) — complete scan is HERE
Installationshandbuch Apple IIGS |
(1986 Apple Computer GmbH) |
German edition of "Setting Up Your Apple IIGS" |
High-resolution scan of "Installationshandbuch Apple IIGS"
See also hi-res scans Apple Live - Sonderheft zum neuen Apple IIGS (September 1986 Apple Computer GmbH) - 27-page German brochure
(demo showing all inbuilt character sets of the GS) |
Apple CEO John Sculley on the Apple II — The New Apple IIc Plus — The New GS/OS & Paintworks Gold |
"The Computer Chronicles - Apple II Forever" (1988) |
(YouTube video by Computer Chronicles) |
The Elementary Apple IIGS |
by William B. Sanders |
262 pages — 1986 COMPUTE! Books |
Complete scan of The Elementary Apple IIGS [58MB PDF]
→ See also COMPUTE!'s Guide to Sound & Graphics on the Apple IIGS by William B. Sanders (1987) - complete scan [86MB PDF]
DVD compilation 26 television commercials from 1977-88 (mostly Apple II)
Sourced from YouTube |
(credits to the original uploaders) |
Download Apple II TV commercials DVD compilation [865MB zipped ISO]
Watch now on Youtube — 1986 Australian TV commercial — Apple //c special at Myer department store
A milestone in the annals of Apple II gaming
Apple II original manual, box, and disk scans in COLOUR
A perilous sea is the setting for this arcade-style rescue game featuring double hi-res, 3-D color graphics more dazzling than any you've seen before.
Designed by Dan Gorlin, creator of the best-selling Choplifter!, AIRHEART offers you the challenge of rescuing a sleeping prince from a watery world and restoring him to his rightful place of honor.
● Full 16-color double hi-res graphics |
● Fast, realistic 3-D animation |
● Challenging play. This is one game you won't master too easily. |
High quality colour scans of my original Airheart manual, box, and diskette
This supersedes my earlier greyscale scan of the manual which is still available HERE and includes an extra review of the game from Apple User magazine
→ See also Airheart Product Fact Sheet for Apple II HERE
^ 2016-03-21 (last revised 2019-05-08)
Epyx Street Sports Soccer (1988)
Apple IIGS original manual, box, and disk scans
In Street Sports Soccer, you're captain of your own rowdy bunch. Choose the best on the block and show 'em what you've got. Shove. Pass. Dribble. Trip. Real life, fast-action fun.
High quality colour scans of my original Street Sports Soccer manual, box, and diskette
^ 2016-03-23
Apple Computer Apple Presents Spotlight (1982)
Apple II original manual and disk scans (rarity!)
A compilation of 4 children's games: Reflect, Spotlight, Hot Stuff, Boxed In
High quality colour scans of my original Apple Presents Spotlight manual and diskette
Download "Spotlight" disk image (backed up with Wildcard system)
Wildcard installed in slot 7 of my Pravetz 8M (Apple II Europlus clone)
Creating a 64K auto-booting backup of "Spotlight" (one of four games from the original "Apple Presents Spotlight" disk)
^ 2016-03-28 (last revised 2016-05-13)
Apple II original software box collection
30 software boxes & contents scanned for your pure indulgence !!
You'll find all of the following: |
4th & Inches GS Disks only - ProTERM 3, The Graphic Exchange†, TransProg III, Tetris, HardBall |
Apple II original software box collection by cvxmelody [121MB ZIP archive of PDF files]
†The Graphic Exchange manual cover & Roger Wagner 1989 Product Catalog (new improved scan) now available HERE
ProTERM 3 original box is HERE
Silicon Dreams complete manual now available HERE
^ 2016-05-25 (last revised 2018-09-27)
Will Harvey's Zany Golf (1988) & The Immortal (1990)
From the stable of Electronic Arts came two of the most iconic games for the Apple IIGS
Original boxes & contents
Colour scans of original boxed Zany Golf & The Immortal [11MB ZIP archive of PDF files]
Zany Golf — music from intro & first two levels
ROM 01 Apple IIGS with AE Sonic Blaster recorded directly to line-in of Edirol R-09HR
(superimposed gameplay sounds are occasionally heard)
See also → Will Harvey on his Music Construction Set (K-POWER Magazine March 1984) {}
^ 2016-07-25 (last revised 2021-03-20)
Warranty stub for Applied Engineering TransWarp II accelerator card purchased on 21 March 1990 for my Apple //e from Nemo Computer Systems of Western Australia
It had a serial number of S089. I sold it off a few years later (along with the //e), and this warranty card is all that remains. The distinguishing feature of the TransWarp II was its built-in non-volatile control panel allowing easy customization of accelerator settings. The card was clocked at 7MHz (versus 1MHz stock speed of the //e). Joystick compatibility was improved over the earlier TransWarp with a configurable joystick delay.
Though not documented in the user's manual, the speed could also be controlled through software by writing a 0 or 1 to memory location $C074, same as in the original TransWarp, i.e. POKE 49268,1 (for 1MHz) & POKE 49268,0 (for fast speed)
TransWarp II ad - I scanned this from the January 1990 issue of inCider/A+
UPDATE: I found a photo of a TransWarp II with marking "5089" on the back - see HERE - so "S089" might not have been an actual serial number, but some batch/revision number. I must have checked the original box and manual for anything vaguely resembling a S/N, before settling on "S089" as the only (apparently) unique identifier. "5089" could plausibly refer to a manufacturing date of the 50th week of 1989.
Some sales materials Applied Engineering sent me 1987-88 - product catalogs & "Inside AE" bulletins (TransWarp GS, Sonic Blaster, PC Transporter etc.)
PC Transporter photo album |
(courtesy eBay) |
IBM game Shamus running on my PC Transporter (Apple IIGS)
Above: Invoice for Zip Chip purchased from Nemo Computer Systems on 16 Feb 1990 for my sister's Apple //c
Below: "Zip Chip - Update" from Nemo Computer Systems (November 1989 AUSOM News)
see also Nemo Computer Systems pricelist (December 1989)
My very first encounter with the Zip Chip was back in 1989 during a monthly meeting of the WAppleII users' group held at Murdoch University in Perth's southern suburbs. Graeme Platt of Nemo Computer Systems took to the floor with a compelling demonstration of the 4 MHz accelerator and I believe he must have sold a fair number of Zips to eager members! (An 8 MHz model became available in late 1989) Graeme was also an Applied Engineering dealer and he and wife Gloria were pioneers of the BBS scene in Perth. The WAppleII club, founded by Peter Hinchliffe in 1988, was an oasis devoted exclusively to Apple II, and thrived for a good 8 years before finally disbanding at the end of 1995 (coinciding with Apple Computer Australia's termination of support for the Apple II line). | ||||
"1990 Multiline BBS" |
successor to the Apple II-based Nemo & Treasure Island boards (GBBS Pro) & pro-nemo BBS (ProLine) |
"... at 182 gigabytes and 175 online CDs... one of the largest file libraries available in any country"
Zip Chip passed diagnostic test with flying colours in September 2015
☹ R.I.P.☹
Apple //c monochrome monitor depicted shortly after giving up the ghost
Apple //c 220/240V power supply (model A2M4016) — still working
Back in 1992, I ordered a new Zip GSX accelerator card for my Apple IIGS. Its top speed was 9MHz, yet it came with a 10MHz-rated 65C816 CPU. Not wishing to squander the potential, I asked a technician friend to perform a simple modification, replacing the stock crystal oscillator with a faster one, which boosted the speed of the card to 10.50MHz. The system proved to be absolutely stable and I was more than satisfied. The IIGS was subsequently retired in 1996 but in August 2015 I attempted to resurrect it for old time's sake. The Zip GSX was found to be still in perfect working order after all those years.
WOW check out those phosphor trails — Championship Lode Runner @ 10.50Mhz !!
Software routine to disable Zip GSX |
(substitute 91 for 90 as the next-to-last number in line 1020 to turn Zip GSX back on) |
Auto-load ZipGS Control Classic Desk Accessory from any ProDOS startup disk with the aid of ProDOS 8 CDA Loader (P8CDA) |
(no need for ProDOS 16 or GS/OS) |
NB: The official ZipGS CDA from Zip Technologies works fine when installed this way, but Zip CDA by FTA might crash |
ZipGS & Zip Chip advertisement (February 1992, inCider/A+) |
(the ad refers to a re-engineered "new design" 8Mz Zip Chip (for 8-bit Apples), so early and late versions of this model exist - the 8MHz Zip Chip was originally announced at the May 1989 Boston AppleFest and began shipping towards the end of that year. The popular 4MHz model remained available for sometime.) |
^ 2015-11-09 (last revised 2023-09-27)
A+ Magazine (April 1989)
Reviews of TransWarp GS, "Classic" TransWarp, Zip Chip, RocketChip
SPEED UP! New Products Meet the Need for Speed
Scans of cover story devoted to the following Apple II accelerator products: |
● TransWarp GS by Applied Engineering |
● "Classic" TransWarp by Applied Engineering |
● Zip Chip by Zip Technologies |
● RocketChip by Bits & Pieces Technologies |
With comparative benchmark test results
High quality colour scans of Apple II accelerators cover story from A+ April 1989
TransWarp GS photo album |
(courtesy eBay & Apple Rescue Denver) |
^ 2016-05-01 (last revised 2018-04-08)
Call-A.P.P.L.E. (October 1985)
Cover story on "Mach 3.5" accelerator (M-c-T SpeedDemon)
Flying the Apple II at Mach 3.5
"SpeedDemon" or "SpeeDemon" ? Both are correct - see HERE & HERE & HERE
^ 2016-10-11 (last revised 2017-04-26)
My own benchmarks of TransWarp (I & II), Zip Chip, Zip GSX & Laser 128EX etc.
All testing done with Speed Tester v1.0 (available HERE) |
Manually timed with stopwatch, rounded down to nearest second |
Benchmarks generated by Speed Tester are relative to a 1MHz Apple //e |
► DIRECT LINK to this section ◄ |
Apple //c — Zip Chip 4000 @ 1MHz
(ESC key pressed at startup) |
Apple //c —
Zip Chip 4000 @ 4MHz† |
Apple IIGS ROM01 —
Zip GSX 32K cache @ 10.50MHz |
Enhanced Apple //e clone —
TransWarp @ 3.6MHz |
†These results are consistent with a 4MHz Zip Chip (model 4000). This Zip Chip was purchased new in February 1990 and it was actually the 8MHz model we ordered and paid for (see invoice & background). It came supplied in the same box and with the same disk as the 4MHz model but with an added "8MHz" sticker on the front (all the early units were like that). So there was apparently a mix-up of some kind! (Benchmarks for an actual 8MHz Zip Chip appear below) |
Enhanced Apple //e clone —
TransWarp II @ 7MHz |
Enhanced Apple //e clone —
TransWarp II @ 3.5MHz |
Apple //c —
Zip Chip 4000 @ 2MHz
Apple IIGS ROM01 —
Zip GSX 32K cache @ 8.5MHz |
NB: Reported speed of 8.14MHz is erroneous as the Zip GSX runs at 10.50MHz not 10 MHz (81.25% of 10.50MHz = 8.5MHz) - see explanatory note HERE |
Macintosh LC — Apple IIe Card @ 1MHz
("Normal" speed selected in IIe Option Panel) |
Macintosh LC — Apple IIe Card @ 1.9MHz
("Fast" speed selected in IIe Option Panel) |
Apple //e — Zip Chip 8000 @ 8MHz | Apple //e — Zip Chip 8000 @ 4MHz | |
My video HERE shows the Apple IIe Card being benchmarked |
See video HERE - Zip Chip 8MHz installation & benchmark |
Additional testing with Speed Test v2.2.2 (available HERE) |
Manually timed with stopwatch, rounded down to nearest tenth of a second |
Benchmarks generated by Speed Test are relative to a 1MHz Apple //e |
ReActiveMicro's Wiki HERE offers further Speed Test v2.2.2 benchmarks
^ 2016-10-10 (last revised 2017-09-17)
Others ??
TransWarp GS,
RocketChip I & II, UltraWarp
(Michael Mengel & ReActiveMicro), FASTChip //e & TransWarp //c
SpeedDemon (Mach 3.5), Saturn/Titan Accelerator, Apple IIc
Plus, Apple III, etc...
Add your own results below: |
TransWarp 3.6MHz vs 1MHz showdown |
FAST vs NORMAL speed — side by side comparison on Apple IIe |
Airheart Choplifter Drol Donkey Kong FASTDATA Pro — keyword search of 1.5MB TXT file Nikrom Master Diagnostics //e — 80 column test Animate Show Disk (3.6MHz only) TransWarp startup self-diagnostic test |
00:00 01:46 02:30 03:26 04:29 07:48 10:10 11:45 |
Testbed: Apple IIe enhanced clone | TransWarp @ 3.6MHz |
Only relevant to FASTDATA Pro: Apple II SCSI Card (Rev C ROM) & ITEAD Studio SCSI2SD V5.0a |
^ 2016-11-20
TransWarp II unleashed! |
Choplifter Airheart Prince of Persia (sound delay 0ms) Prince of Persia (sound delay 1ms) Prince of Persia (sound delay 5ms) TransWarp II control panel Apple //e self-diagnostic test† |
00:00 01:29 02:45 03:47 04:49 05:36 06:35 |
Hardware: Apple IIe enhanced clone | TransWarp II @ 7MHz |
† I don't know how the Apple //e "checkerboard" self-diagnostic got triggered - after exiting the TransWarp II control panel, typing PR#6 somehow initiated the self-diagnostic before the drive was booted. Perhaps it is related to having toggled the TWII from OFF to FAST. Please ignore the incorrect caption at ~6:38 - the checkerboard display is the //e self-diagnostic, NOT the TWII startup diagnostic, which is actually just the brief pause before the TWII logo appears. If the TWII startup diagnostic is enabled in the control panel, you normally experience this pause with a blank screen when turning on the computer, followed by the TWII logo (if enabled) and then bootup. The //e checkerboard test isn't part of the process, though can occasionally manifest with cold or warm boot as an atypical, if harmless, quirk of the TWII. If the behaviour is by design, my only (non-expert) explanation is that it helps flush the system into a more pristine state. Also, my experience with the Apple IIGS is that periodically running its self-diagnostic to completion can be a quick fix for any strange glitches you are having. |
Fine-tuning the speed of TransWarp II
The built-in control panel of the TransWarp II only allows a choice of two accelerated speeds - 7MHz & 3.5MHz. All is not lost, however, as the TWII is compatible with the RocketChip Utilities (available HERE). This permits fine-tuning the speed in small increments, anywhere from a fraction of 1MHz right up to full throttle! (Full credit to Glynne Tolar for making the connection - see HERE)
It's probably easiest to use the RocketChip Utilities designed for the 10MHz RocketChip II (ProDOS version shown above). In this example I have it configured for "6.66MHz" which corresponds neatly to 66.6% of top speed. So on the TransWarp II, 66.6% of 7MHz equates to 4.66MHz
Exiting the RocketChip configurer dumps you to BASIC.SYSTEM with your speed setting intact. However, invoking the TransWarp II control panel at anytime (ESC-CTRL-RESET) or rebooting with PR#6 or CTRL-OPEN APPLE-RESET will undo your speed (the TWII reverts to either 1MHz ("Slow"), 3.5MHz ("Medium") or 7MHz ("Fast"), whichever is closest to your custom setting). To preserve your speed whilst booting up the next disk, a good solution is to use something like BOOT6.SYS shown in the example above (poached from Zip Chip Utilities HERE). This bypasses the meddling of the TWII firmware...
With this approach, I was able to launch Speed Tester (in DOS 3.3 format) and benchmark the TransWarp II running at a non-standard 4.66MHz:-
Enhanced Apple //e clone —
TransWarp II @ 4.66MHz (configured
with RocketChip Utilities)
^ 2017-05-07 (last revised 2017-06-11)
FASTChip //e thrashes speed records @ 16.6MHz! |
Introduction Serpentine demo sequence Gobbler demo sequence Thunderchopper demo sequence FASTChip //e control panel Drol with joystick @ 16.6MHz |
00:00 00:47 04:51 06:18 08:28 11:11 |
Hardware: Apple IIe (PAL model) | FASTChip //e accelerator from a2heaven in slot 7 |
^ 2018-08-30
► DIRECT LINK to this section ◄
Testing out the Apple //c PAL colour modulator A2M4023
For some months, I had been on the lookout for an Apple //c A2M4023 PAL colour modulator/adapter. This elusive device attaches to the back of any PAL //c† (e.g. those sold in Australia and Europe), providing PAL colour composite & RF outputs. As luck would have it - on 12 Nov 2015 - I spotted an ad on Gumtree (Perth) for a complete Apple //c system, modulator included! Since I wanted a replacement //c monitor anyway (after my sister's one blew up), and the price was reasonable, I went ahead and purchased the lot. Photo of the "haul" taken on the day of purchase after it was brought home:-
models # A2S4000*
= Z, F, B, D, T, N etc) and # A2S4100^
= X, F etc)...
the original 128K Apple //c and later "memory expansion" model //c sold in
PAL countries (e.g.
are inherently capable of colour when paired to 220-240V models of
the ColorMonitor IIc/IIe or AppleColor Composite Monitor (e.g.
A2M4043X &
A2M6020X &
A2M6021X) -
the inbuilt RCA jack of the
220-240V //c outputs a
video signal comparable to the Platinum 'International NTSC' Apple IIe - a unique
50Hz NTSC with 3.562456 MHz color reference frequency
see screenshots
HERE & discussion
HERE. At the time the
original //c was launched (April 1984) no monitor was compatible with
'International NTSC' and regular NTSC or PAL displays generally interpret
this signal in black & white only. In PAL markets the //c came bundled
with the A2M4023 PAL modulator, excepting France which used "Le Chat
A2M4020F adapter (provides RGB &
composite SECAM over SCART). In Australia, the A2M4023 PAL modulator
appears to have been retained with the
A2S4100X model //c - see
HERE. Though by this stage
you could buy the 240V AppleColor Composite Monitor (IIc or IIe matching
models) for direct-connect colour - see
1987 Grace Bros advertisement International Supplement to the Apple IIc Interactive Owner's Guide now available HERE Monitor IIc User's Manual now available HERE Apple Mouse IIc User's Manual now available HERE Apple IIc System Utilities Manual now available HERE |
As you can see, a functioning //c with green screen, comprehensive set of Apple manuals and disks, Apple beige joystick, two platinum mice, and an Apple 5.25 Drive† to boot. (After this photo was taken, I discovered tucked inside other manuals the "Setting Up Your Apple //c" guide, Apple joystick instructions, and even an unused sheet of rainbow-coloured Apple stickers. The mice turned out to be the same model - Mac Mouse M0100 platinum part # 590-0055A, which aren't //c compatible† but should work fine on a ][, ][+ or //e with mouse card. However, my sister's //c was already equipped with an Apple Mouse //c - model A2M4015Z). This is an original ROM version Apple //c ($FBBF = $FF = 255) i.e. supports Disk IIc (5.25" External Drive) but not the UniDisk 3.5 or Apple IIc Memory Expansion Card. Like most Apple //c's sold in Australia ca. 1984-86, CPU is a UK model (A2S4000B†) with dual UK/USA character sets, and emanates from Apple's European factory in Cork, Ireland. NB: The Memory Expansion model //c for Australia (A2S4100X) — memory location $FBBF = $03 or $04 — was made in Singapore (ca. September 1986+) and features an American keyboard (rectangular Return key and "3" keycap with "#" not "£"). Only the USA character set is implemented - SHIFT+3 always generates "#" on-screen and not "£". The Keyboard switch acts as toggle between QWERTY and Dvorak layouts, just like the US model. It's been claimed that the earliest shipping version of the //c in Australia - sold briefly in 1984 - likewise possessed QWERTY/Dvorak USA keyboard - see discussion HERE (though I suspect the depicted unit is actually an A2S4100X with top case swapped from UK/AU model A2S4000B. Platinum-coloured keyboard and floppy drive latch were characteristic of A2S4100, as distinct from the beige of A2S4000.) A2S4000Z is an interchangeable model code for the A2S4000B when sold outside the UK- see HERE UK / USA character sets in 80 & 40 columns on Apple //c (A2S4000B) Also accompanying this Gumtree //c are original disks for Mind over Minors, Microzine, MasterType's Writer, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and MousePaint - which confirms this system was originally purchased around December 1985 when Apple Computer Australia bundled these programs for free as part of a nationwide Christmas promotion. The Apple Mouse //c - also a part of that bundle - has gone missing and only the manual remains. |
†This is not 100% identical to the Unidisk 5.25" but the distinction is only critical for the Macintosh LC Apple IIe card which is compatible solely with the Apple 5.25" Drive |
†M0100 Macintosh Mouse Adapter for Apple //c is available from Raphnet of Japan. One version of the M0100 mouse with an elongated DE-9 plug is designed to work with Apple //c - see HERE. |
†Base of the CPU shows a checklist of model numbers with nothing ticked off, however keyboard end of motherboard has marking B612-0128 (B=British). The equivalent German, French, Italian & Swedish motherboards should be stamped with D, F, T or S in place of B. Exception to the rule: Spanish (PAL) is stamped I but A2S4000Y is the correct model code. HERE is a photo of a German IIc motherboard with ROM 255 / $FF |
Back of the "new" Apple //c monochrome monitor (240V Hitachi model) and close-ups of the PAL Modulator/Adapter A2M4023
I hooked the colour composite output of the PAL Modulator to my old Commodore 1084S monitor (Amiga RGB and PAL-only colour composite display†). Booted up the //c to be greeted by beautiful colour! Some screenshots:-
† |
The Commodore 1084S monitor also has a "green" switch to take care of any hankering for old-school monochrome:-
And here's a high quality capture I made of the Apple IIc PAL Modulator's output |
Choplifter, David's Midnight Magic, Prince of Persia, Airheart... |
(RCA composite video fed directly to PC TV tuner card) |
The image qualities of the //c PAL Modulator/Adapter are similar to what you get with a PAL Apple //e —
Comparison screenshots: //c PAL Modulator to 1084S monitor | PAL //e to 1084S monitor
In these examples showing mixed lo-res graphics & text, the funky colour fringing of text - very pronounced with the //c Modulator - is more subtle on PAL //e. The //e with its integrated PAL colour circuitry has the edge in this particular instance, but for full screen graphics or text modes, you won't discern much of a difference.
Side-by-side comparison of the Apple IIe IIc joystick platinum and beige models
Apple Joystick IIe and IIc (A2M2012 platinum model) Hi-res scan of original box & instruction leaflet now available HERE |
Apple Computer Australia Retail Price List for 1987 [8-bit system prices are HERE] Apple Joystick — A$105 Apple IIe Mouse — A$295 Apple IIc Mouse — A$169 ImageWriter II — A$1195 |
I clearly remember how Myer department stores used to sell the Apple joystick for A$99.99 - at a time when they also carried the Apple //c - which in fact was quite heavily promoted by Apple e.g. around Christmas 1985, they published a huge multi-page lift-out devoted exclusively to the //c & //e in Australian newspapers. It was coloured red like a Christmas stocking and had a comprehensive list of every dealer participating in the promotion (Myer and others). A sampling of this publicity is preserved in full colour on the cover of The Australian Apple Review - December 1985 (Vol 2 No 9) issue and a complete microfilm scan is HERE (In Western Australia, Myer took over Boans department chain in 1985 but most stores kept the name "Boans" until 1988. Though Myer itself was already well established in Perth - see HERE. In the Eastern States, Myer acquired Grace Bros department stores in 1983. These Myer-owned chains all sold Apple.) See also → 1987 Grace Bros advertisement for Apple IIc colour system
The first blank 5.25" floppies I ever owned were the iconic Imagineering "Le Floppie" brand (sold by Myer). They were a quality product. The Imagineering firm, founded in 1980 by Jodee Rich - the American-born Australian whiz-kid - was one of the biggest distributors of computer software and hardware in Australia during the 1980's. |
Apple IIc 1984 Christmas promotion (Grace Bros department store)
See also → "Apple Packages" Christmas 1984 brochure & Apple IIc official spec sheets
Imagineering's Star Attractions software catalogue 1986 - Apple II productivity, games, education
Apple Computer Australia 1985 Christmas bundle specials |
Mind over Minors - Microzine - MasterType's Writer - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy... |
“If this page were Christmas wrapping, which computer would you hope to find when you opened it up?” |
Apple IIc / IIe Christmas promotion — outsized newspaper liftout |
1985 Apple Computer Australia |
(each page of liftout approx. A3 size) |
Scan of Apple IIc/IIe Christmas liftout (1985 Australia) [14MB PDF]
See also → Apple IIe & IIc Systems Authorised Retail Price List Australia (September 1985)
(YouTube video by 'Jarooosa')
Twelve holiday software suggestions for your Apple Computer (Apple II & Macintosh) - 1985 Christmas brochure (USA)
See also related article → Apple IIc takes on IBM's PCjr (May 7, 1984 Newsweek)
$1.5 million launch of Apple //c at San Francisco's Moscone Center with Jobs, Sculley & Wozniak
Big Apple IIc promotional booklet (20 pages) & An Apple Christmas brochure (1984) ☞ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 (courtesy 'tumblekidsvintage' & 'the*hat*guy' on eBay)
→ High-quality PDF scan of 20 page Apple IIc promotional booklet (A2F4001) now available at The Trailing Edge
Working //c Flat Panel Display (LCD) on UK Apple //c
See also → Apple IIc & IIe Range Official Price List (United Kingdom) - January 1985
Apple IIc Flat Panel Display manual (multi-lingual)
Apple IIc Keyboard Poster |
from big Apple IIc promotional booklet (March 1984 USA/Canada) |
Apple IIc Scribe User's Manual — Guide to Apple IIc |
(1984 Apple Computer) |
The Apple IIc Reference Manual — twin volumes
(1984 Apple Product #A2L4030)
Original paperwork for
Apple //c in Australia (ca. 1984-85)
High-resolution PDF scans
Apple IIc International Packing List
(Australia) - Z030-0846-A
Apple IIc Export Control Regulations
(multi-lingual) - 030-1165
Apple Monitor IIc Packing List (1984) -
{same as USA version}
Apple Monitor IIc Evaluation Report (1984) -
Apple Computer 90 Day Limited Warranty (1983) -
030-0183-E REV 1183
AppleMouse IIc Packing List (1984) - 030-0962-B
Apple IIc 1985 New Year's
Rob's Computer Center of Dandenong
„Alles, was Sie brauchen. Der Apple IIc.“ |
(German Apple IIc poster) |
See also → German Apple IIc complete with original box & disks - photos by Rüdiger Rost
French Apple IIc (A2S4000F) complete original boxed system
Canadian Apple IIc (A2S4000C) original box & paraphernalia
Apple announces a technological breakthrough of incredible proportions |
1984 Apple IIc brochure (USA/Canada) |
High-resolution scan of 1984 Apple IIc brochure [26 MB]
^ 2015-11-12 (last revised 2024-09-03)
Vintage Apple //c carry bag
AppleMouse IIc (A2M4035 platinum model)
^ 2016-10-04 (last revised 2020-02-29)
► DIRECT LINK to this section ◄
VGA Adapter for PAL & NTSC Apple //c (from
Very satisfying first test of Apple IIc VGA adapter - newly arrived 19 January 2016 - on a PAL Apple IIc & ViewSonic LCD monitor (VS12319). (See further down for samples from an NEC MultiSync CRT monitor)
Apple //c VGA Adapter - first impressions
Impossible Mission II given the VGA makeover
F-15 Strike Eagle screenshots. A small push-button at the front of the adapter lets you cycle between the available display modes, to suit any taste. You have a choice of regular color ; NTSC color ; shade of green ; monochrome white / green / amber, plus optional scanline emulation (resembling a CRT monitor).
And for comparison, an Apple IIGS screenshot (AppleColor RGB Monitor) |
My scan of MicroProse catalog with F-15 Strike Eagle, Silent Service etc. available HERE
LCD monitor's on-screen display showing VGA resolution of "640 x 400" [NB: resolution of the Apple IIc VGA adapter is actually 720 x 480, but not all monitors report this accurately]
This revision of the adapter works equally well on an NTSC Apple //c (although I couldn't test this) as it is auto-sensing and adapts to whichever type of //c you have. From the official description:-
VGA screenshots from The Last Ninja, Randamn and Times of Lore on a PAL Apple //c
Razor sharp text, here shown in colour, green, and amber modes
BELOW: Comparative test of the Apple //c VGA adapter on an NEC MultiSync V721 VGA 17" monitor (CRT). Overall, I found it superior to the ViewSonic LCD - not surprisingly with the NEC being a "true" VGA monitor, i.e. support for native resolution and refresh rate, so absolutely no pixel scaling issues or flicker. |
ABOVE: Mr Robot title screen in colour, with & without scanlines
BELOW: Mr Robot in colour & shade of green
ABOVE: Gumball in colour, monochrome green/amber & shade of green on NEC MultiSync V721
BELOW: Gumball on Apple Monitor IIc
pfs:Write 80 column text sample (with scanlines)
NEC MultiSync V721
Genuine 1986 Apple dealer poster showing Apple IIc with pfs:Write & ImageWriter II |
"The Apple IIc Typewriter Plus system" |
pfs:Write |
Original box & manual for Apple IIe (128K), IIc, IIGS (1986 Scholastic Edition) |
Also available → PFS: WRITE scanned box & disks for Apple IIc and IIe (64K) (1984 Software Publishing Corporation Edition) [7MB PDF]
^ 2016-01-19 (last revised 2020-09-16)
Microsoft Olympic Decathlon - Apple II original (box / disk / manual)
Wow look what we have here! Olympic Decathlon is the first ever program I saw running on an Apple II and its theme song the first ever sound I heard emanating from an Apple speaker. I had never encountered a computer before and my initial thought was - what the heck is that??
Out of curiosity (mostly), I searched for it on eBay in November 2015 and to my surprise, an original boxed version was just sitting there waiting to be snapped up. I answered its beckoning call and it was safely delivered to my hands today! Feeling complete now :-)
Apple II games reviewed in July 1982 Australian Personal Computer - Firebird, Olympic Decathlon, Epoch, International Grand Prix, Fly Wars, Jellyfish, Star Blazer, ABM
Microsoft Software & Hardware Catalog for Apple II & IBM PC (1984) - high-resolution scan
"Olympic Decathlon" was eventually renamed "Microsoft Decathlon" — the word "Olympic" having been dropped along with the Olympic logo (due to licensing issues?). My original disk of this later edition specifically lists support for Apple II, II+, IIe, IIc and so dates from at least 1984. If the disk label is to be believed, the game's memory requirement has increased to 64K (from 32K or 48K).
NOW AVAILABLE → Complete scan of Microsoft Decathlon original Apple II box, disk, manual & Australian warranty booklet (24MB PDF)
^ 2015-12-03 (last revised 2020-02-23)
Colossus Chess 4.0 (1985) & Battle Chess Apple IIGS (1989)
Trinity ~ Zork Zero ~ Beyond Zork
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Arcticfox & Marble Madness
[High-resolution scans of Arcticfox original folder & disk are HERE & for Marble Madness see HERE]
Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition & Empire 'Wargame of The Century'
[Empire Apple II Command Reference Card now available HERE]
Wheel of Fortune New 3rd Edition
The Ancient Art of War
[The Ancient Art of War original box & manual scans now available HERE & the Quick Reference Card is HERE]
Math and Me & Designasaurus Apple IIGS
[High-resolution scans of Revolution '76 original box & disks now available HERE]
"Logical Connections" AUSOM Christmas flyer (1989)
Fontrix Classic & Sequel
HERE is a review of Fontrix in Popular Mechanics (March 1984)
Kangaroo & ShowOff Apple IIGS
[High quality scan of Kangaroo & ShowOff disks is HERE]
Out of this World Apple IIGS
High quality colour scans of my original Out of this World box and disks
I acquired this mint Apple IIGS version of "Out of this World" from eBay (where else? — original listing of December 2016 HERE) - luck certainly played its part as original copies of this game are scarce. OOTW is one of few games I actually played right through to the end (lol), back in 1993. |
The Dark Heart of Uukrul & Pirates! Apple IIGS
^ 2016-08-19 (last revised 2020-02-06)
► DIRECT LINK to this section ◄
Testing a new Mockingboard-K sound card (from Korea) on Apple IIGS
Bring the world of wireless audio to your Apple IIGS with an appropriate Bluetooth transmitter and headphones like the i.Tech MusicBAND 807
^ 2015-11-05 (last revised 2017-11-25)
Lancaster (1983 Apple II game) with Mockingboard music on Apple IIGS
I acquired the sealed original Lancaster (Mockingboard support version) from eBay at not inconsiderable expense, and it happily arrived just in time for Christmas! This 1983 arcade game by Will Harvey boasts fluid animation and entertaining gameplay. At first, I couldn't get it working on my Apple IIGS equipped with Mockingboard-K - it would hang at the splashscreen. But I found that by pre-booting ProDOS 8 v.2.0.1, then inserting the game disk and rebooting with CTRL-APPLE-RESET fixed the problem. Incidentally this technique also prevents side 2 of Willy Byte from stalling on a GS with Mockingboard.
Lancaster Apple II original sealed box, diskette & documentation
[Lancaster Mockingboard version disk image (Wildcard backup) now available HERE]
^ 2015-12-23 (last revised 2019-10-02)
Testing a new Mockingboard v1a (ReActiveMicro) with speech chip on Apple IIe
The Mockingboard v1a from UltimateMicro is a clone of the Sweet Micro Systems "Mockingboard A" - with its two AY-3-8913 chips giving six audio channels and two open sockets for the (hard to source) SSI-263 speech chips. Since I wanted the full Mockingboard sound/speech experience for my //e, and the speech chip happened to be in stock, I seized the initiative and placed an order in January 2016!
The Mockingboard v1a, shown before and after installation of a single speech chip (I was provided with a 78A263A which is identical to the SSI-263) - effectively turning it into a "Mockingboard C" (six audio channels + speech). Audio is output through a stereo jack and there is even a provision for the Apple speaker sounds to be fed externally using the supplied motherboard lead.
"Mockingboard" from Sweet Micro Systems (1983) - spot the family resemblance?
[photo courtesy of eBay] |
The official Sweet Micro Systems Mockingboard sound/speech demo disk
Hear the Mockingboard v1a talk and sing (direct recording to line-in of an Edirol R-09HR)
Fond recollections of the Hong Kong PCL PRO-Mockingboard...
[Scan courtesy of Johnson Lam — ]
My very first Mockingboard - the "Pro-Mockingboard" depicted in the above brochure - was procured on a jaunt to Hong Kong's Golden Computer Arcade. The shop - which may have been located on the Arcade's middle floor - had several variants on display in a glass cabinet and I opted for the one with audio and speech capabilities. It had a mini jack & RCA sockets for stereo output and on-board pots for volume adjustment and came supplied with photocopied instructions. It provided 15 channels (possibly more than Applied Engineering's Phasor, although some of them may have been reserved for percussive effects), but exploiting that potential would have required special software which I never had. I assume the music keyboard seen in the brochure was designed to interface with this Mockingboard. They had one on display to the left of the sales counter and this was offered to me, along with song disks ("gor dip"), but those extras had to be turned down - my budget as a primary school student didn't stretch that far!
Back in Australia, I had a friend named Mazi who owned AE Phasor. A visit to his home was a surefire treat - he originally hailed from California and boy, seemed to have everything under the sun! I borrowed his AE Phasor software which proved to be compatible with my Pro-Mockingboard. It would run without modifications and what you heard was correct though maybe only 6 of the 12 music channels were audible in the songs. The sound effects samples played fine. Interestingly, the Phasor software flat out refuses to operate with a regular Mockingboard (see screenshot HERE). So the Pro-Mockingboard (by Peninsula Computerland of Hong Kong) was evidently more Phasor-like in design (Phasor came out in 1984 at a time when many popular Apple II peripherals were being cloned in the Far East). The Pro-Mockingboard was indeed fully "Mockingboard C" compatible (6 channels + speech) and gave me many hours of pleasure but regrettably, I sold it off in the early 1990s with my //e system of the time... (well I needed funds for other upgrades!)
Music Construction Set - 1985 Apple ][ Hong Kong Mockingboard version with music of Leslie Cheung |
(YouTube video by ハヤシトシオ) |
It turns out there was at least one other Mockingboard clone from Hong Kong known as the "Mustalgame Card" (short for MUSic TALk GAME). Manufactured by Capital Computer Co., it sported two AY-3-891x chips giving 6 music channels as well as integrated Software Automatic Mouth (S.A.M.) for speech. It also provided stereo amplification of the Apple II speaker sound without the need of an interconnecting cable. For more details please refer:
(courtesy A. Vignau's "French Touch" sale) |
@ Apple II Documentation Project |
Well so much for the clones. Hong Kong also made genuine Mockingboards for Sweet Micro Systems:
Mockingboard SSP2000 REV. D (1985)
— as bundled in Australia with Bank Street Music Writer —
^ 2016-02-02 (last revised 2020-03-04)
► DIRECT LINK to this section ◄
Enhanced Apple //e system with mind-boggling software collection
I am indebted to long-time Apple enthusiast Hans Halupka of Canberra for agreeing to furnish me with his treasured Apple IIe system and an all-encompassing software collection, many magazines, manuals, original boxes, peripheral cards... on the morning of Christmas Eve (2015), I joyfully took delivery of the entire collection (shipped in 14 large boxes) and eagerly set to work unpacking and configuring the system.
Here are photos of the "finished" setup, taken on the evening of 24 December. The Apple Dot Matrix Printer, KoalaPad, Kaga RGB vision-II monitor, UniDisk 3.5", 2 x Disk II 5.25" drives, Anko joystick, platinum //e mouse (A2M2070), and system fan were all included as part of the package. Also a spare mouse (A2M4015Z) not depicted here. (I added a 4-way 9-pin serial switchbox to permit easy switching of multiple joysticks)
NB: The 'e' in Apple IIe stands for 'enhanced' (in relation to the Apple II Plus) - don't confuse this with the "Enhanced Apple IIe" introduced in 1985 (with new ROMs & 65C02 CPU akin to the Apple IIc). The BYTE review (Feb 1983) above-centre refers to the early Revision A Apple IIe, which was replaced just a few months later by Revision B (adding support for double hi-res colour graphics). Apple offered the A-B upgrade for free, but charged for the enhanced upgrade in the form of the dealer-installed "Apple IIe Enhancement Kit". All Apple IIe's produced from March 1985 onwards came enhanced as standard, including of course the Platinum IIe sold between 1987-1993. The IIe which I acquired from Hans is a pre-1985 unit that was subsequently enhanced and has a "65C02" label over the keyboard power light. |
As featured in brochure - Drol (1983 Broderbund) original box & disk available HERE & HERE & HERE |
"A peeled Apple IIe" poster |
(1985 Apple Computer Australia) |
I used to have the above poster on my wall! Compliments of an Apple dealer in Perth (one just had to ask nicely). It shows the PAL Apple IIe with UK keyboard that was sold in Australia at the time. Like a lot of things, it got tossed over the years — above photo is sourced from web. |
→ Better photo available HERE → A gorgeous modern remake of this poster now available as HQ digital download |
"The Apple IIe Keyboard" poster |
A3 size double-sided (ca 1985-86 Apple Computer Australia) |
"Win one of 10 Apple IIe Personal Computer Systems" competition |
(September 1983 Cleo magazine Australia) |
Photos of Hans Halupka's near-miraculous Apple II 5.25" floppy disk collection (with many originals). It took 5 x stackable plastic twin drawers (obtained from Officeworks) to house them all.
Some of the manuals and books included with the collection (near complete set of Apple IIe manuals and much more besides...)
Official Apple IIe
manuals shown above include:
Apple //e Owner's Manual
(1982/83) — Apple Product #A2L2001 (030-0356-C)
Applesoft Tutorial for //e (1982) —
Apple Product #A2L2003 (030-0358-A)
ProDOS User's Manual (1983) —
Apple Product #A2L2014 (030-0361-A)
DOS User's Manual for II, II+, //e (1983) —
Apple Product #A2L2002 (030-0407-A)
DOS Programmer's Manual for II, II+,
//e (1982) — Apple Product #A2L2012 (030-0536-A)
Applesoft BASIC Programmer's Reference Manual Volume I for //e (1982)
— Apple
Product #A2L2005 (030-0359-A)
Applesoft BASIC Programmer's Reference Manual Volume II for //e (1982)
— Apple
Product #A2L2005 (030-0507-A)
These are period correct manuals for the Apple //e ca. 1983/84. The Owner's Manual (along with supplements & addenda) was supplied with the purchase of a new //e CPU.
The full Disk ][ retail package of 1983 (with 16 sector interface card) should have included DOS User's Manual & DOS Programmer's Manual (replacing The DOS Manual of the ][+ era), and from 1984, the ProDOS User's Manual.
Apple began selling the DuoDisk in 1984 and Unidisk 5.25" ca. 1985. The DuoDisk Apple IIe Accessory Kit originally consisted of a bundle of Controller Card (DB-19), DuoDisk Owner's Manual,
ProDOS User's Manual (030-0361), ProDOS Supplement to the Apple //e Owner's Manual (030-0899), DOS 3.3 System Master disk (680-0210) & ProDOS User's Disk (680-0224).
Other manuals, such as the Apple //e Reference Manual (1982) [with Reference Manual Addendum: Monitor ROM listings (1982)] were available from dealers — please refer table on the left:-
Above right:- Early Apple IIe Packing Lists for USA & Europe (courtesy of WWW)
→ Hi-res scan of European Warranty Registration Sheet for Apple II & III now available HERE
→ See also Apple IIe Guide to the New Features (1982) {A2F2114} available HERE
Below:- DuoDisk & Disk ][ dealer pricing — November 1984 (USA)
ProDOS Technical Reference Manual (030-0360) & ProDOS Exerciser disk (680-0262) (Apple Workbench) (1983)
[Apple Dot Matrix Printer User's Manual Part II: Guide to Apple II now available HERE - for Part I: Reference see HERE]
→ Timemaster II H.O. User Manual REV 1.1 (1984) — complete scan now available HERE
Apple II Super Serial Card — high-resolution scans of original box, packing list & hardware now available HERE
Comparison of all variants of the original beige Apple //e (USA & international)
Apple IIe Supplement to the Owner's Manual (1982) |
English/French/German/Spanish/Portuguese/Italian |
→ Complete scan now available HERE [14MB PDF] |
→ Photos of RARE Enhanced Apple //e with Western Spanish keyboard (A2S2064E model - 115V NTSC - circa 1985) are HERE |
Original software boxes and manuals (plus binders with photocopied documentation) - much of what you see here was delivered as part of the collection
[Microzine handbook - Pirates of the Soft Seas etc now available HERE]
Softdisk for Apple II scanned original covers — issues 98-104 |
(1989-90 Softdisk Publishing) |
The Apple II Blue Book (2nd edition) & The Apple User's Encyclopedia
Also featured were this beautiful set of Apple II magazines - A+, inCider, Nibble, COMPUTE!'s Apple Applications, Apple User (UK), various user group publications (Applecations etc), plus photocopied manuals, etc.
Applecations magazine (Apple Users' Group Sydney) - selected news, reviews, tips, tutorials — Aug 1986 - July 1990 [134MB PDF file] | Nov 1990 - May 1992 [125MB PDF file]
The centrepiece of the collection - Apple //e (PAL model) with 65C02 & enhanced ROM upgrade
Rear views of the Apple //e showing ASTEC 230V power supply & underside with model/serial number
Interior view of Apple //e showing pre-installed cards
Slot 1 - FingerPrint Plus |
Slot 2 - TimeMaster II H.O. clock card |
Auxiliary slot - Digicard 64K extended 80 column RGB card for Apple //e |
Slot 4 - Apple //e mouse card |
Slot 5 - Unidisk 3.5" controller card |
Slot 6 - Disk II interface card |
Slot 7 - Apple II Memory Expansion Card (1MB) |
→ Hi-res scan of Apple II Memory Expansion Card (hardware front & back) now available HERE
Disk II drives and Apple Dot Matrix Printer [220/240V model A2M0059] (see below for UniDisk 3.5")
[Apple Dot Matrix Printer User's Manual Part II: Guide to Apple II now available HERE - for Part I: Reference see HERE]
Apple Dot Matrix Printer Reference Card
[Apple Dot Matrix Printer Reference Card now available HERE - hi-res scan]
The Apple Dot Matrix Printer is a rebadged C.Itoh Prowriter 8510 (parallel model)
NB: The replacement for the DMP - the ImageWriter I - is more or less a C.Itoh 8510 (serial model) with redesigned case (15" wide carriage version also available) |
The built-in fonts are the same as those of the Apple DMP, with the addition of a new 13.4 CPI "semicondensed" mode |
The ImageWriter II, introduced in 1985, has a stylish new look, adds Near Letter Quality & Draft fonts, MouseText support, colour printing, networking, more advanced paper handling and greater speed, yet retains software compatibility with the earlier models and all take the same black ribbon cartridge |
The "Standard" quality (aka Correspondence) ASCII fonts of the ImageWriter II have the same appearance as the regular text output of an Apple DMP or ImageWriter I |
Missing drive labels? Disk ][ 3D stickers from are the answer!
Kaga RGB vision-II 12" colour monitor (Taxan) [240V model] - rear connectors
READ a review of Kaga/Taxan RGB Vision-II monitor by Your Computer magazine (June 1985)
Taxan advertisement RGB vision monitor (February 1984, inCider)
[Scan courtesy of Asimov FTP server ] |
Ads for Taxan RGB monitors & Apple II peripherals etc (March 1983 BYTE & March 1986 Electronics Today AU)
"Unlimited colors through linear amplifier video circuit..."
[Kaga Taxan RGB Vision Color Monitor Manual now available HERE]
BY-LINE Apple IIGS monitor alternative?
Thomson RGB monitor with custom-made connector for Apple IIGS
NB: "A Hands-On Look At The New Apple IIGS Computer" is this issue's featured cover story
KoalaPad (Apple II 16-pin model)
I hope this KoalaPad doesn't feel lonesome as koalas aren't found in Perth... but there is a tiny marsupial cousin - the adorable "quokka" !! (I took these photos on Rottnest Island in September 2014)
TG Products Select-A-Port
Info on TG Products Select-A-Port - a nifty piece of kit for connecting multiple 16-pin Apple II gaming/joystick devices
Gaming paddles
[These were early, official paddles from Apple ("Hand Controllers") — see HERE for original box photo]
Taxan 80 column & RGB card for the Apple IIe - original box with contents
[Manual available HERE]
PerfectData 5.25" disk drive head cleaning kit
Box containing spare peripheral cards - EDD Plus copy card, Auto Mouth Talk Card (S.A.M. / Software Automatic Mouth), Grappler+ printer interface etc.
Essential Data Duplicator (EDD) - a copy program for the Apple II - is the brainchild of Donald A. Schnapp. Published by his company Utilico Software (of Napa, California and Bondi Beach, Sydney), it was continually updated over a long period and vigorously marketed till the end. The main arm of the business in America was restyled to "Utilico Microware" by 1984. Australian sales and support were handled by Dr Kremer (the office being co-located within his surgical practice). Early formative work on the software was done when Don was still attending high school in the United States (this info comes courtesy of fellow student David Orriss Jr). Eventually he teamed up with Charles J. Rosenberg, teenage inventor of an auxiliary disk drive controller capable of reading raw bitstreams, and the result was the supremely powerful "EDD 4 Plus" (software + card combo).
EDD Plus cable for UniDisk 5.25" or DuoDisk (DB-19 connector)
DuoDisk/UniDisk 5.25" Cable Upgrade Kit instructions for EDD 4 Plus
Video of EDD 4+ card in action backing up original Microsoft Decathlon is HERE
Grappler+ by Orange Micro |
A widely emulated standard for Apple II parallel printer interfaces |
1991 Grappler+ ROM image (v3.2) & high quality card photos are HERE
[Grappler+ brochure available HERE and manual for The Bufferboard is HERE]
The auxiliary slot of the Apple IIe came preconfigured with the Digicard Extended 80 column RGB card (manufactured by Maclagan Wright & Associates of Melbourne). This is a really great piece of hardware.
Some pages from the Digicard manual describing its key features:
"... Note that the switch under the front of the Apple now changes the Apple HI-RES modes between colour and monochrome"
Digicard DIP switch settings - user-selectable colours for normal and inverse text in 40 & 80 columns
[Digicard 64K Extended 80 Column RGB Card for Apple IIe Instruction Manual now available HERE]
Here is what AppleWorks looks like on the Kaga RGB vision-II monitor with the Digicard configured to display text in dark blue. As you can see, 80 column text is very crisp and usable:-
For certain applications - e.g. those using double hi-res colour - menus and graphical text are barely readable (but this is no different to regular composite displays). Screenshot of MultiScribe on the Kaga RGB vision-II monitor with Digicard in colour mode:-
But fear not! Flip the rocker switch underneath the Apple //e keyboard, and the Digicard instantly converts to monochrome (560 x 192 double hi-res in this example) - now all the screen elements in MultiScribe are perfectly legible!
Double hi-res screenshots of Neuromancer on the Kaga RGB vision-II monitor with Digicard in colour mode:-
Prince of Persia, Spy vs Spy, Paperboy, Maniac Mansion, Gumball & Archon II on the Kaga RGB vision-II monitor
Close-ups of the Kaga RGB vision-II monitor (front) and the fingerpad of the FingerPrint Plus. Pressing the fingerpad interrupts the running program, and up pops a menu with useful options (screen dump etc)
First tryout of Apple Dot Matrix Printer - Airheart screen dump made with FingerPrint Plus
[Manual for FingerPrint Plus available HERE]
Skyfox screen dump FingerPrint Plus to Apple Dot Matrix Printer demo video
Plastic transportation disk (for UniDisk 3.5" drive)
^ 2015-12-26 (last revised 2024-08-04)
Apple IIe Extended 80-Column Text & Colour Video Card (assembled in Australia)
Apple Computer part number A661-91097
Mr GC kindly permitted me to photograph this Apple IIe (pre-platinum PAL model) with an Australian made extended 80-column video card. I don't think I've ever seen one of these before! Rather unusually, it plugs into both the auxiliary slot and slot 3 (which line up directly in the PAL IIe). The slot 3 connector is a mostly blank wafer with just a single "finger" making electrical contact inside the slot. The card has an RCA composite output which yields a better picture on the 240V ColorMonitor IIe or AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe than the standard video output jack of the motherboard.
[I found good photos HERE and an intriguing discussion HERE. Note that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the PAL Apple IIe's standard composite video output - e.g. see my Jumpman screenshot (PAL IIe direct to PAL Commodore 1084S monitor). Yet surprisingly, the 240V ColorMonitor IIe or IIc cannot decode PAL (4.43MHz) colour burst at all and only produce colour with 50Hz NTSC (3.56MHz). The PAL Apple IIe motherboard has a colour toggle switch and with PAL colours disabled (i.e. switch in "mono" setting) video output reverts to a 50Hz NTSC-like signal — just not of the exact type which the 240V ColorMonitor IIe expects. According to AUSOM News (March 1987), the colours appear swapped around i.e. blue is red, green is blue, red is green → Donkey Kong screenshot {wrong colours}. It seems this monitor only displays correct colour when fed a compliant NTSC/50 signal, which is supplied by this special video card (A661-91097) on the PAL IIe. Whether the equivalent ColorMonitor IIe in Europe needs the same workaround I cannot say. Those units (if they actually exist) won't be the same as those sold in Australia - besides voltage (likely 220V), and a northern hemisphere-tuned CRT picture tube, the logic board could also differ... Evidently though the European ColorMonitor IIc (A2M4043Z) shares the same logic board as the Australian ColorMonitor IIe & IIc (A2M2056X & A2M4043X) → Photo: logic board courtesy of Arcade King @ forum — this actually makes sense as the native video output of any 220/240V Apple IIc is NTSC 3.56Mhz (50Hz) and pairs perfectly with 240V ColorMonitor IIe/IIc or AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe/IIc → see also Photo: Oscilloscope waveform - colour burst of European Apple IIc courtesy Marco Orlandi ]
Illustrative pictorial sourced from Australian eBay...
LEFT: ColorMonitor IIe on 240V PAL Apple //e with "extended 80-column colour card"
RIGHT: Enlarged views 240V ColorMonitor IIe (A2M2056X)
NB: According to the discussion HERE the 240V "AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe" (A2M6021X platinum model) only supports colour with "International NTSC-50" and not PAL (having now obtained an A2M6021X of my own I can personally confirm this finding). This situation also pertains to the earlier 240V beige "ColorMonitor IIe" (A2M2056X) made between 1985-86 (seen above) - the "better" match (cosmetically) for the original beige PAL //e in Australia/New Zealand (when fitted with A661-91097 video card!). NB: A2M6021X retains the same logic board of the A2M2056X. |
Extended 80 Column Text and Video Card ("Colour Card") — NTSC/50 for the PAL Apple //e
LEFT: Original box with part # A2A0004
MIDDLE: Some cards were also being produced in Singapore
RIGHT: Apple Panic colour screenshot (courtesy T. Stewart)
This replaced the old Extended 80-Column Text Card in Australia and New Zealand ca. 1986 and became standard equipment on every 128K PAL //e sold that year.
It could also be purchased separately by existing PAL //e owners wishing to upgrade to 128K 80-columns and for attaching an Apple ColorMonitor IIe or IIc (240V models).
NB: This card is obsolete where the Platinum 'International NTSC' Apple IIe is concerned
Extended 80-Column Text and Video Card Addendum available HERE (courtesy P. Howard)
"... this card includes a special video output port for use with the Apple COLOUR MONITOR IIe or Apple COLOUR MONITOR IIc in a 220V-240V country"
David Wilson furnishes some technical details of the card —
Apple ColorMonitor Installation Manual (IIe/IIc) (80 pages) |
English / French / German / Italian / Spanish |
(1985 Apple Computer) |
This manual only describes NTSC/50 and NTSC/60 versions of the Apple ColorMonitor (no mention of PAL at all). If this official info is correct, then the video card A661-91097 (AUS-0004) must output an NTSC/50 colour signal. Some pertinent info HERE. The motherboard RCA jack of the beige PAL Apple //e is also capable of a quasi NTSC/50 with the colour toggle switch of the motherboard set to mono. Refer discussion HERE. In mono switch setting, the PAL colour circuitry of the //e is disabled whilst some kind of NTSC colour burst is introduced, yet this signal isn't fully compatible with these NTSC/50 monitors - the symptom manifests as colours being swapped around i.e. blue is red, green is blue, red is green → see screenshot HERE. The A661-91097 video card rectifies this problem on the PAL //e. These same NTSC/50 monitors happen to work just fine on every other 8-bit Apple II model sold in PAL regions (Euro II/II+, IIc and Platinum IIe 'International NTSC') - no workaround necessary for those machines as they already produce a 50Hz NTSC colour signal of the expected format. |
Apple //e PAL colour switch |
Table comparing all international variants of the beige Apple //e |
Apple IIe Supplement to the Owner's Manual (1982) |
→ Complete scan available HERE [14MB PDF]
Enhanced Apple //e with Western Spanish keyboard (rarity!) |
A2S2064E model (115V NTSC) - circa 1985 |
Apple II Europlus
Mr GC also had this gorgeous, mint condition Apple II Europlus
Apple II on cover of Electronics Australia (February 1979)
High-resolution scan of Apple II review from Electronics Australia now available HERE
ComputerLand (Melbourne) Apple II Plus ad (above) & description of the Apple II Plus (below) |
Both from my 1980 edition of "Electronics Australia - Microprocessors & Personal Computers" |
(did they actually sell the NTSC Apple II Plus in Australia, during the very early days?†) |
† I found the definitive answer HERE - the "Eurapple" mod was standard in the early Australian Apple II Plus (i.e. 50Hz "PAL" B&W output via motherboard RCA jack), and PAL colour RF modulator card was an optional extra. Special considerations - the 240V ColorMonitor/AppleColor Composite IIe/IIc monitors will work for direct-connect colour as they correctly interpret the 3.56MHz NTSC subcarrier of Euromod machines - see video demonstration. |
Apple UCSD Pascal & C.E.D. Card Reader — ads by ComputerLand (Melbourne) |
Electronics Australia - June & July 1980 |
Apple II Graphics Tablet (A2M2007) |
photos courtesy eBay |
ComputerLand magazine & newspaper ads (Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney)
Apple II advertisement |
Electronics Australia - October 1981 |
Early Apple II reference manuals supplied by ComputerLand Australia
^ 2016-05-16 (last revised 2023-04-12)
► DIRECT LINK to this section ◄
AppleColor Composite Monitor & Platinum Apple IIe — International Varieties
AppleColor Composite Monitor specifications
Feedback card with Apple Computer Australia warranty insert
NTSC Apple
— Master
crystal 14.318 MHz
divide by 4
3.58 MHz
NTSC colour burst (@ 60Hz) NB: 120V model AppleColor Composite monitors support 3.58 MHz NTSC colour (60Hz) 220/240V AppleColor Composite monitors support 3.56 MHz NTSC colour (50Hz) I'm not aware of any Apple-brand monitor compatible with PAL 4.43 MHz colour (at least no such model was sold in Australia or Europe) |
AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe |
A2M6021X 240V 'International NTSC-50' model for the southern hemisphere |
Unlike its 120V North American counterpart, this 240V model has a detached power cord
Packing List for North American version (A2M6021)
"ColorMonitor IIe / IIc" - as they were originally called when launched in late 1985
Apple ColorMonitor IIe
A2M2056X 240V 'International NTSC-50' model as sold in Australia & New Zealand
See also → New release ColorMonitor IIe/IIc with Australian pricing - Your Computer (November 1985)
→ My scan of Apple ColorMonitor Installation Manual (1985 multi-language edition) now available HERE
"Technically, the ColorMonitor IIe is an RGB monitor on the inside... A standard composite video jack "looks" at the computer's video signal. If the color burst frequency is present, the signal is split from composite video into its components (red, green, blue and sync signals)." — The Apple II Review (Spring 1986) |
Apple ColorMonitor IIe & IIc original boxes
NB: ColorMonitor IIe is beige, whereas AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe is platinum - colour-matched for original Apple IIe and platinum IIe, respectively. I was unclear whether the IIc model was ever released in the PAL countries. Both the original 128K PAL Apple IIc i.e. model #A2S4000* (*=Z, F, B, D, T, N etc) and the later model //c for those markets (e.g. A2S4100X - "memory expansion" model a.k.a. "enhanced IIc") were inherently capable of colour, outputting an 'International NTSC-50' type of signal compatible with 220-240V models of the AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe (e.g. A2M6021X) - see screenshots HERE & discussion HERE). Apple-Bug (February 1988) - the newsletter of Apple-Q Brisbane - published a pricelist for AppleCare in Australia. Extended warranty coverage for "Colour Mon.IIc", "Flat Panel Display.IIc" and even "Apple III" could be purchased from Apple Computer Australia - intriguing no? An official Australian Apple Product List (1988-89) does show "IIc Colour" monitor. So without a doubt, the 240V IIc colour monitor is for real!
These 1987 retail price lists for Australia give A$795 as the cost of an Apple //c Colour Monitor (A$80 for matching monitor stand)
Dust covers for "//c Colour System" were even available from Apple Users' Group Sydney (ad on right)
See also → Apple IIc colour system advertisement Australia - 1987 Grace Bros (New South Wales) @ Twitter
Actual examples of this most elusive of Apple //c monitors!
240V AppleColor Composite Monitor (IIc) (A2M6020X)
ABOVE: photo courtesy 'musovern' (of New Zealand) @ {image URL}
Original discussion topic HERE
BELOW: photos courtesy Danny & Ian (of Australia)
240V ColorMonitor IIc (A2M4043X) & matching monitor stand (A2M4027)
Apple IIc — 220/240V model (50Hz video output) Assembled in Ireland |
COLOUR with direct attachment to 240V ColorMonitor IIc (A2M4043X) |
→ see also CHOPLIFTER screenshot (220/240V Apple IIc to matching 240V ColorMonitor IIc)
eBay photos of original box for Apple II Monitor Stand (A2M4029) - introduced early 1987 Coloured platinum, this stand suits ColorMonitor IIc, AppleColor Composite Monitor (IIc) and RGB or mono IIGS monitors. Monitor sits flat with the feet detached. With feet slotted in place, the monitor is tilted up (allowing room for a raised //c to fit below the front lip). The earlier ColorMonitor IIc Stand (A2M4027) is angled by design (lacks detachable feet) and suits the same monitors, but is coloured snow white to match the original IIc. Its front overhang only has enough clearance for an unraised //c (handle retracted) to tuck beneath. The tilt-and-swivel Apple Universal Monitor Stand (M0403) was introduced 1987 for Macintosh II monitors yet is also officially compatible with the aforementioned IIc and IIGS monitors. |
There's a lot to be said for owning an Apple IIc |
ca. 1986-87 Apple IIc brochure (USA) |
Showcasing AppleColor Composite Monitor (IIc) & more... |
High-resolution scan of Apple IIc brochure [21 MB]
The 120V version monitors sold in North America support colour with regular NTSC 3.58 MHz only (other video modes i.e. PAL 4.43 MHz & NTSC-50 (3.56 MHz) will come up in monochrome). 'International NTSC-50' was a hybrid phenomenon first seen in the Apple II Europlus/Euromod (ca. 1979+) and the original 128K Apple IIc (April 1984) and subsequently extended to the 'memory expansion' Apple IIc (September 1986) and platinum Apple IIe (January 1987) - as sold in PAL markets. Any 220-240V model of the ColorMonitor IIe/IIc or AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe/IIc ought to be compatible. The specification defines a 3.562456 MHz colour burst and vertical and horizontal scanning frequencies of 50 Hz & 15.659 kHz. A hardware modification to convert International NTSC Apple IIe to regular NTSC is described HERE.
The original pre-platinum Apple IIe sold in PAL markets from 1983-86 has a regular PAL 4.43 colour output (compatible with many TVs & any PAL monitor) — but this machine is the exception to the rule, as all other 8-bit Apple II models released in PAL region are natively 50Hz NTSC 3.56 and will need extra help to produce a PAL colour signal (e.g. PAL Colour Encoder Card for Europlus, A2M4023 PAL Modulator/Adapter for IIc).
Other considerations — when a CRT monitor designed for the northern hemisphere is operated in the southern hemisphere (or vice versa), certain colours may appear faded or patchy in some parts of the screen - a consequence of the CRT picture tube having been factory calibrated for the magnetic field of the opposing hemisphere.
Apple //e — NTSC / PAL / International NTSC flavours
Screenshots from AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe |